The Triumphant Return of Bald Eagles | Your Great Outdoors

The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) recently confirmed that there are now more than 70 active Bald Eagle nests in the Bay State, including the first nesting effort on Cape Cod since 1905.

This nest, located in a white pine tree, was discovered many months ago by a homeowner’s association and reported to MassWildlife. Subsequently, Josh Maloney, a burgeoning nature enthusiast and volunteer at Mass Audubon’s Long Pasture Wildlife Sanctuary discovered what appeared to be a chick in this nest in late May.

Josh carefully mapped the location of the nest, documented the chick with photographs, and reported the sighting to MassWildlife state ornithologist Andrew Vitz. Within days, Mass Wildlife ascended the tree and banded the eaglet in order to gather valuable life history information throughout its life and contribute to eagle research across the country. We are hopeful this chick will fledge in the coming weeks, and that this breeding pair will return to this nest annually for many years to come.

Bringing Eagles Back to Massachusetts

Source: The Triumphant Return of Bald Eagles | Your Great Outdoors

Categories: #Birds, Ecology, reblog

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5 replies

  1. They are making a come back in Florida too. It’s really great to see our nation’s bird increasing their population and expanding geographically. Great post! 😊


  2. Wow!!! Congratulations! We get them here, there’s a spot by the Great Salt Lake where they migrate to and from, and one can view these magnificent birds through State owned telescopes or view finders. It’s quite something to see one or pairs and their chicks and nests ‘up close’ that way. Doesn’t seem to bother the birds either. I’m glad they’re making a come back in your area!

    Liked by 1 person

    • They’ve been making a comeback for more than 20 years. But they also move around. They were on Martha’s Vineyard for several years until the cormorants ate all the fish, so they moved inland and although we see them here, mostly, they like the bigger rivers in the west. Bigger fish.

      And they are NOT afraid of us at all. They wait by the river until someone catches a big fish, then they swoop in and take the fish. NO ONE wants to argue with an eagle!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Have you seen one Marilyn? They would be magnificent.


    • We had a pair nesting in our woods about 10 years ago. We still have the nests but the eagles have moved on. They are fish eaters, although they will eat other things too … but basically, fish. So there are a lot of them down on the cape and in the western part of the state where the Merrimack River has some really big fish. The bigger the fish, the happier they are.

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