A Square Perspective – BeckyB, 22 July 2020

My View from a Quarantined World


Got a few seeds? This tiny chipmunk is a “least chipmunk.” He looks exactly like his bigger brethren, but he’s a quarter of their size. He likes to sit on the feeder and watch me watching him.

I feel like life has become an endless game of hide n’ seek. We are perpetually in hiding and that which is hunting us is too tiny to see. Maybe not entirely in hiding. I go out on the deck. I go to the garden. I even occasionally get all the way into the basement. Wow! i know, you are overwhelmed at these experiences, aren’t you? I take a lot of square pictures. Sometimes, it is a cropping choice, getting the busyness out of the picture. Other times, it’s just the right format for the picture. Since I’ve missed so much of this challenge, I’ll give you some extra pictures to try to make up for it.

My cigar box guitar

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Red-bellied Woodpecker




Categories: #animals, #Birds, #Flowers, #Photography, orchids, square, Wildlife

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19 replies

  1. These are so beautiful, Marilyn. Love each one. You are a great photographer. I thank you for sharing such natural beauty.


    • I’ve been saving up square pictures for months. I just am not getting notifications for a lot of blogs and no matter what I do, it shows i’m connected, but i don’t get the messages.


      • Me too. Same fate. I have yours saved or I wouldn’t see it either. I am down to three different sites. Yours, Martha’s and Elaine’s otherwise I’d have none at all. If I happen to find you can I click, otherwise, my contacts are gone.


  2. You can see how full that little chipmunks cheeks are….ever cute….


  3. oh these are wonderful Marilyn, so happy you have been able to join us. Never the same without you

    and what a treat you have given us today. So many perspectives. Just wonderful. I know exactly what you mean about hiding though!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I knew July was on the way. I just never got ANY of your “squared” emails. I’m still NOT getting them. I have to go into “Reader” and work from there. But at least we’ve finally synched up. There will be more. A lot of the squareness has to do with shooting through the French doors in the back, which is all small square glass sections, so almost all my bird pictures are square. If the birds would just let me come out onto the deck, it would be easier, but they keep flying away.

      Drat. That the Duke comes with me probably doesn’t help. I got a lot of new pictures this morning. The tiny chipmunk has been up and down all morning, filling his cheeks with seeds, going wherever he’s probably raising (she?) babies, then coming back. He’s smaller than most of the birds!

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s just bizarre about the emails. If you contact me via my contacts page, do you want me to add you to the email list?

        PS His cheeks look enormous!


        • YES, please. I’m getting a fraction of what i want and a ton of political stuff … and advertisements for everything I never wanted. I just cleaned out my email. It was just ONE DAY’s worth and it was more than 500 items!


  4. I love them all. The Red Breasted Grosbeak is stunning

    Liked by 1 person

  5. These are lovely studies, especially the goldfinches.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Now that the feeders are up again, the Goldfinches are back. So far, they have vanished the moment I pick up the camera, but eventually they’ll hang around long enough for me to grab some pictures. They are a whole flock and they have such interesting relationships.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Fantastic pictures.
