Today is the day before Garry and my 30th anniversary. It’s been a long time a’coming. I spent the day taking too many Tylenol and finally going to the hospital to get a COVID test because I’ve been running a low-grade fever for weeks and I feel like my head is going to explode. Today is our 30th anniversary. No one thought we would survive a year, much less thirty of them. But as different as everyone thought we were, we were extremely similar in many ways. Stubborn, born fighters, never-giver-uppers.

Garry is far more given to that male habit of saying “Let’s talk,” then stalking out of the room as soon as you don’t agree with him, but that’s a guy thing. I expect him to understand … but husbands do NOT understand. They suffer listening to us, something Garry didn’t have to do until he got really much better hearing aids. And yet — we agree politically. We both read and write and research. We search for truth — and we find it. We have both worked hard for awful bosses and understand each others’ moans and groans.

Emotionally, we are a man and a woman, the two most incompatible creatures on earth, but intellectually we are exceptionally well-matched. You’d be surprised how far that can go in a relationship. And very attracted to one another too, which doesn’t hurt either.

We can’t go anywhere special for dinner, We can’t buy each other presents, though Garry made a special little video for me. I took some birdy and squirrelly pictures. Because the birds and the squirrels were very busy this morning.

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Boston, Hearing, Marriage, Wildlife

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50 replies

  1. I find nothing more sexy than a great mind! We didn’t get married because we are beautiful, although Hero Husband was quite a catch, we don’t ‘fit’ as per ‘normal thinking’, I’m older (much), I’m shorter (much), he’s so complicated and complex that I thought (back then….) that he would never ever find a woman to put up with him (ha ha) and now she does for 22+ years…. it can work, and the less people think it might work for good, the better it usually turns out. Well, in our case, it did too. Love those photos of your wedding – you were a lovely couple! And you still are 🙂


  2. Congrats on the anniversary, and I hope they can get that temp figured out so you’ll be feeling better!


  3. Happy 30th! Way to go…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy anniversary Marilyn and Garry.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tas, thanks so much.

      I think we are now waiting for cheesecake which hopefully Marilyn can enjoy.

      Thanks so much for the warm wishes.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations on a successful 30 years together! That’s a wonderful thing and pretty rare.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy Anniversary to both of you! 30 years is nothing to sneeze at. Oh wait, don’t sneeze … I sure hope your COVID test comes back negative, and I hope you start feeling better soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You make a smashing couple Marilyn. Congratulations, and I do hope you are feeling better.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. A very happy anniversary to you both. You’re a wonderful couple. Stay happy and stay healthy

    Liked by 1 person

  9. All the very best, you two. Keep on with the keeping on!

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  10. Happy Anniversary! I disagree, males and females are not necessarily the most incompatible animals on the face of the earth: I have gotten along great with female roommates (even non-romantic, not related types) while have not with manly-men ultra-right-wing males – I can take about 10 seconds before wanting to chew my own leg off to escape… (I have male relatives that I will never be in the same room with.)

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Marilyn, the birds are going to get the choir going for you, you have many good days ahead of you, enjoyed your blogs, enjoy the day, make plans for the next ten, and tell yourself, you never grow old, just wise, amen

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Happy Anniversary!😊 And hope that fever subsides..

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Happy Anniversary, you two! And many more!

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