Kinda up a tree

This is the one time of year where getting stuck up a tree might be kinda good. Or at least very pretty. These sugar maple trees turn the best colors of all the trees. Scarlet and orange, they are the absolutely prettiest trees in New England. We don’t have many on our property because the oaks are so tall, they shade the maples and keep them from growing. But where they have the light, the are magnificent.

Categories: #foliage, #Photography, Autumn, Blackstone Valley, leafing

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16 replies

  1. The house with the blue door…worthy of a song?


    • I think it was a carriage house for a larger house — which is now gone. It’s right across from the bank and the grocery store. Main Street was where all the big expensive houses that belonged to the people who owned and ran the mills. A lot of those houses are still around, though almost all of them are either museums or have been divided up into multiple apartment. Still, they are beautiful and often located in amazing locations.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think I remember a song about a “Green Door”. Don’t remember much else – maybe “who’s behind that green door.”


  2. I had two beautiful sugar maples on my front yard. In the fall, you came around the corner and my yard was ablaze of color from those trees. I had people stop in their cars to tell me how pretty they were. Sadly, both were toppled by Hurricane Ivan. To wake up and see those trees lying down, totally uprooted, broke my heart. These are gorgeous.


    • Sugar maples are the best. I wish we had more of them, but the oaks have taken over the woods and shadowed out the maples. We have just one, right in front of our house. But down by the river, they still have quite a few.

      I hate seeing downed trees too. Even though we have so many trees, trees are alive.


  3. oh these are gorgeous – an American fall in New England – wonderful

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Have just re-read a small compilation of the American Seasons (Letters from four seasons) by British Broadcaster of ‘Letter from America’ and thought of you quite often. He describes the fall colours in the most beautiful ways imaginable.
    (70yrs Pocket Penguin No 54)


  5. Magnificent indeed 👍 colourful and soothing to the eyes! ! 🤝
