FOTD – November 16 – Golden Poinsettia

Yesterday, Garry brought me a golden poinsettia. Not merely golden in leaf color, but there are golden spangles on the leaves, both yellow and green. I have never had much luck growing poinsettias, but I figured I’ll give it another try. I set it up on the table with the other parts of my indoor garden. It’s big and it is beautiful. I have a few pictures to show you, too.

My golden flowers

Golden and spangles

Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, indoor garden

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17 replies

  1. I never had any luck growing them. We had one that did very well at work, but no one took it home, and now it is dead.


    • They always just die on me. Maybe moving it closer to the window will help. I’m not wildly optimistic, but it is very pretty for as long as it lasts.

      Liked by 2 people

      • It looked beautiful to me. I thought it would be a nice addition to your ‘trove’. Sorry if I brought problems.


      • The one we kept in the office from late last year until March was not near a window, but got plenty of florescent light. Too bad no one took it home. I was there recently and it is DEAD.


  2. Oh wow, this is thriving very well. Mine is very red during this time of the year in my part of the world.


    • I’ve only had it for two days. We’ll check back in a week and see how it’s doing THEN. I think this was bred to be yellow. They put dye in by the roots so they grow them in all kinds of colors. They do it with other flowers, too.


  3. That would be lovely!


  4. Oh what a beautiul poinsettia 😀


  5. Lovely… I hadn’t seen one like it before now! HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Marilyn and Garry! 🎄 xoxo


  6. How pretty is that?! I hope it likes its home and lives to bloom again!


  7. Lovely, Marilyn and Garry!
