Talk about hard choices! I excluded all the birds on feeders because there are too many to choose from. I also excluded woodpeckers working on a tree because that isn’t perching. I knew I wanted to included Garry’s shot of the Osprey, even though I had a lot of cropping to do before you could really see him. And, finally, I looked for anything that was really kind of cute. And here they all are.

Photo: Garry Armstrong – Osprey atop a jetty marker in Connecticut
Night heron
Bluebird on a branch
Catbird on fence top
Three sparrows on a snowy fence
Goldfinch on the bracket
Blue Jay on a branch
Baby Goldfinch on a snowy fence

All of these birds are either regulars along the New England coastline and rivers, or are garden birds. I am thoroughly annoyed by our endless flock of Cowbirds. Yesterday, though, they got at least a bit of a comeuppance when they tried to tangle with one of the big Red-Belied Woodpeckers.

Birds don’t mess with the woodpeckers. They are sturdy and have long beaks that can penetrate oak trees. Just think what they could do with your skull.

Categories: #Birds, #Birds, #gallery, #Photography, Anecdote, bluebirds

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18 replies

  1. Lovely set of images.


  2. These are great photos!


  3. These are awesome! I love the Yellow-crowned Night Heron. The cowbirds are so aggressive when they need to drop their eggs. Let them tangle with the Woodpeckers. They might chase the Downy but the Red-bellied is the same size basically and you are right about the beak. Hello!?! Duh! LOL!


    • We took down the feeders today. There must have been two dozen Cowbirds on the deck AND four squirrels. Between the squirrels and the cowbirds, they chased away all the pretty little birds. The only birds they couldn’t push away were the Hairy and Red-Bellied Woodpeckers. They didn’t try to push them around.

      I haven’t seen a finch or a Cardinal or anything but damned Cowbirds for weeks. I figure two or three weeks of no feeders should convince them to move on. They are all outside on the railing complaining that there’s no food.

      I figure the other birds will find their way back, but maybe the Cowbirds will find some other crazed person to feed them.

      Liked by 1 person

      • That is a wise decision. They are leeches and lazy! We don’t have food in our feeders at the moment because we are dang near in summer here so there is plenty of food around. Plus the kites are back and we just don’t feed the birds during the summer because of them. No reason to serve them up on a silver platter. 🙂


  4. Wow! Amazing photos



  1. Bird Weekly Round-Up – Week #46 – Our Eyes Open