Share Your World 12th December

With an actual snow this morning, I think it’s definitely winter now, though it could warm up again. It’s hard to know what kind of weather we are getting here even before climate change made it more extreme.

Here are this week’s questions:

As a kid, did you have roller skates, a go-kart or a push bike?

I had a bicycle — a racing bike no less — that I adored and rode until its frame buckled. By then it was more than 10 years old. I’d ridden far and wide on it.

As for roller skates, I had them and the only thing I ever could do on them was fall on my ass. I was not a skater.

Did you belong to a gang or just hang out with your friends?

We sort of were a gang, mostly because we lived far away from all the other kids. There were five of us and I am the only one who didn’t get at least a master’s degree. We were a pretty smart bunch of kiddos.

What is the best present, birthday or otherwise, you can remember as a child?

Annabelle, the doll my mother gave me when I was five. I still have her. From Madame Alexander.

If a friend stayed over, did you have a midnight feast or did you go to bed and sleep?

No friend ever slept over. My cousin stayed when her family was in town, but my friends were afraid of my father — with good reason. Roberta and I used to talk until one of us passed out. We were early risers, though. The conversation usually restarted as soon as we got up.

What gives your day a kick start?


Categories: #Photography, #SYW, Anecdote, Dolls, Holidays, Share My World

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12 replies

  1. That opening photo is a stunner! It would make a great Christmas card.


    • It was from the first “mini snow” in November. I might use it since I was figuring on making my own card and emailing them. If I get some energy, that is. That’s probably the best single image of a cardinal in snow. And he is even in focus!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for joining in Marilyn. Beautiful doll, a collector’s item no doubt .


  3. A beautiful doll. And in pristine condition.


    • She has been restored, restrung, AND redressed, though in as close to her original clothing as was possible. Her hair is in great condition, but I think somewhere in my teen years, my mother had her rewigged and probably repainted. That was one of the great things about those hard-plastic dolls. You could restore them. I can restore many of them. The only thing I can’t do is replace eyes.

      I can do almost everything else, even the painting. If ONLY I could sew! I’ve always had to buy the clothing from more skilled seamstresses.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I did sew my doll many dresses. Even made a sweater set for her. It was how I became interested is stitching clothes.


        • I just am very untalented at sewing and in this case, it’s not for lack of trying. My mother was brilliant and couldn’t understand how any daughter of hers could be so awful. I never got two sleeves to set the same way. The buttons were always crooked. Patterns never matched. I couldn’t even make an even hem. I eventually gave up. I made clothing and when I wore it, people would look at it, look at me and ask: “So, you made that yourself?” I was not a compliment.

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