Do You Have The Time? by Rich Paschall


There are plenty of community organizations that will grab your time, if only you let them. They want you for a variety of tasks and the really organized organizers will stalk you if they think you will volunteer for something. They want you to stuff envelopes, sell tickets, make phone calls, sit at booths and sell things. They will have you directing traffic, ushering people, handing out programs. You can go to meetings, answer email, talk on the phone, spend hours of your precious time in pursuit of the organizational mission, whatever that might be.

But what if you do not have the time for this? After all, if you are part of a family crew, you may have to drive little Johnny or Suzy to soccer practice, karate lessons, football practice, baseball practice, cheerleading practice, dance class, piano lessons, drum and bugle corps, or basketball games. If they are young, it is pre-school or grade school or daycare or after school care. If they are older it is still sports, music, dances, proms, band, drama, speech and please, drop them at the corner so no one knows their mommy is still driving them around.

Of course, there are all the adult requirements too.  There are weddings and showers, wakes, and funerals. As we get older, there are more of the latter. There are dances and parties we don’t want to attend and family events for which you must make your famous __________ (insert dish name here). It all keeps us so very busy. How dare these “organizers” presume to prevail upon our valuable time?

Yet, these various events to which you are driving the beloved little ones (or not-so-little ones) are probably staffed by volunteers. Adults and a handful of older kids are taking tickets, selling refreshments, selling t-shirts, directing people around events. They are running for ice, and pop and cups and napkins. They are getting mustard and ketchup. They are making emergency runs to Costco or Sam’s Club so they do not run out of water or buns or napkins. In other words, they are making everything possible that you and little Johnny and Suzy are attending.

As a staff member at a community organization for a few years, and for a private school a few others, I know what it is like to have to run events, dependent on volunteers who may or may not show up. Fortunately, most are dedicated and in their places when the time comes.

Yes, that's me on the left, getting rained on for the cause.
Yes, that’s me on the left, getting rained on for the cause.

While some organizations pressure the parents of the children who participate to volunteer, many others are reliant on the goodwill of neighbors and friends.  Though many do not realize it, the events they attend throughout the year might not be there if there were no volunteers. In fact, some community organizations die for lack of volunteer spirit. A founder of one community organization here said many decades after the organization he began was up and running, that perhaps it should die if the community was not willing to come forward and support it. They, in fact, gave up some large events for lack of volunteers.

Here I could give you the “social contract” type speech. You know the one.  If you are part of the community, you must give up something in order to reap the benefits of community activities. That something you must give up is your time. I know that is hard to do in this day and age. After all, we must get home to check our Facebook and Twitter accounts. We must look at Instagram and Snapchat. We must check Messenger and Skype. Then there is Pinterest and YouTube, Vimeo and Vevo.

What enriches our lives is what we invest in. If we invest in our community and its events, then we are richer too. The volunteer spirit does not necessarily lead to dull and boring jobs. Instead, it can lead to knowing your neighbors. You could be learning about the organization to which you and your children participate. It can open new avenues to friendship in the community in which you live. It can give you an understanding of what it takes to make a community.

Hillary Clinton famously said “It Takes A Village,” from the African proverb that it takes a village to raise a child.

In fact, it takes a community, a good community, to raise a child. The only way a community can be good and strong is with the volunteer spirit of its residents. Are you going to give up an occasional Saturday at some event or sports bar to aid your community, or will you just let someone else do it? If you choose the latter, then I remind you of the philanthropist who suggested that it might be better to let a community organization die, if the community was unwilling to support it.

Categories: Events, Rich Paschall

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8 replies

  1. I have been thinking about this myself. I think that schools can usually find enough parents and family members to volunteer for things but other organisations that I have been involved with seem to have an ageing volunteer pool. I wonder what will happen when those people can’t do it anymore.
    I volunteer at our local visitor information centre. It is part of my social services obligation but I love it and once I am officially retired next year I will still do it. Many of the other volunteers are retired, most are several years older than me. At the Don River Railway where Naomi volunteers twice a week many of the volunteers are elderly, some in their eighties but still working their trades.
    I know we retired and semi retired or unemployed folk have more time than working people with families to raise but I do wonder what will happen if not enough younger people join in the future. Steam engines don’t maintain themselves. Without volunteers there will be no train rides for people to enjoy. It’s the same with the doll shows I used to enjoy going to. The ladies who ran them are all getting old.
    I suppose that if no new people come along and these things die maybe nobody will care but older people like me but it would be a shame if that happened. All clubs and organisations do need to actively encourage new, younger members to join and get involved. I think sometimes some of them get a bit too comfortable with the way things are until it is too late.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Garry and I joined any number of groups when we were first living here, but were immediately appointed to something important that we did NOT want to do. “President of Rotary” was the killer for Garry. We didn’t have any money and Rotary is not an organization for the poor of money, though perhaps better for the poor of spirit. We gave up. As soon as anyone recognized Garry, they breathed a sigh of relief and told HIM to run it — and Garry has never run anything but a news segment. He’s not a manager and never wanted to be one.

    This town is too small. You can’t be anonymous here.

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