I’m late, but it’s never too late for this classic day — NATIONAL ASSHOLE AWARENESS DAY!

There has never been a dearth of assholes in our world, but I think these past years have raised it to a level of importance it never previously possessed. The assholes are everywhere!

Often ignored and disrespected, this is a special day, dedicated to them all. The assholes we love, the ones we meet on the street. The ones we worked with and for. And most especially, for those we elected to run the nations of the world. If you voted for an asshole, please feel free to add yourself to the list.

To assholes everywhere, this day belongs to you.

We worked for them and with them. We’ve lived with them. We are related to them. This is your day, assholes. Enjoy! A special thanks to Grace for the perfect song.

Categories: celebration, Celebrities, Holidays, Humor, manners & civility

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4 replies

  1. Lol! I love the song, and I know too many assholes!


  2. it’s hard to keep up, there are so many in the world these days
