CMMC November Close Up or Macro

This is the season for gourds — and also Teddy Bears. In the course of finding all the dolls, I found a dozen Teddy Bears, many of them handmade. I forgot collecting them, but having resurfaced, they stand where dolls stood before. The gourds, alas, are temporary.

Categories: #CMMC, #gallery, #Photography, Macro

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6 replies

  1. Just because of the season, I really enjoyed your gourds 😀 Great photos 😀


  2. Lovely bears and gourds of the season!


    • I couldn’t find any of the little fancy gourds this year. I don’t know if they were drowned by too much rain or they didn’t plant them locally, but they were missing. The bears made up for the lack 🐻


  3. The golden bear is lovely and the other one is very unusual. Do you know who made them. Naomi collects bears so we have a big hug of them living here.


    • Boyd’s Bears & Collectibles. They are selling them now on Amazon (that’s not where I bought them, but they were harder to find when I got them). They are all reproductions of antique bears and the range from incredibly cute to incredibly cuter and in size from tiny (maybe 3 inches tall) to more or less normal stuffed bear size.

      just look up Boyds Bears online. These are sold other places too, but I don’t know if you have access to all of them down under. I’m pretty sure they also have their own website.


      • I have heard of them. Neither of us know a great deal about American bears. Most of Naomi’s bears are British, Australian or European made. She has a couple of German ones, a Dutch made bear and several Polish bears. Polish bears are very common in Australia for some reason. She has a few modern bears but she loves the vintage ones the most.
