Some more of the photographs I took during the past week. I restrained myself and didn’t take any new ones today. I figure I should process what I have before I add more. I’ve had blooming orchids before, but these two are special.

Categories: #Flowers, #FOTD, #gallery, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, lily, orchids

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12 replies

  1. Beautiful Marilyn! xo


  2. Your photos are beautiful! 🧡🏵️🐈


  3. Your orchids are awesome. I had several when I was in a larger apartment, but my room here is so tiny there isn’t a place to put a pot. I do want to get something to help clean the air a bit though. Thinking philodendron at the moment, but could think ivy as well.


    • Philodendrons and ivy are both good choices and both like partial shade. I have some ivy I got when it was a few inches long. I tend to forget about it because it is so undemanding, but left alone, it gets REALLY long. I wind it up and when it starts to look brown along the edges, I cut it back. I should repot it, but I have a feeling it’s REALLY rootbound and there is a small orchid in the same pot which will need different soil and pot. It sounds messy and complicated, so I’ll wait for warm weather, take it outside and do the repotting there.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Before Assisted Living I had philodendren, ivy, orchids, wisteria, and a huge variety of cactus plants. No space for them here though, but if I could get another plant in a hanging basket I would love it. They also help clean the air and this air really needs cleaning. So much dust from unknown places makes it hard to breathe. I used to get starts on plants at the Kroger flower shop. The lady in charge would cut them off and save them for me when she trimmed the plants, and once she had three pots of something I don’t remember the name of, but they were nearly dead so she gave them to me to see if I could bring them back to life. A few months later I took her a photo of them, all healthy and beautiful. She made sure to give me all that were too droopy to sell after that, so my apartment was filled with plants. I gave cuttings to friends each time I trimmed them to carry on the sweet tradition that lady started.. When I was leaving I put all the plants in carts and left them downstairs where everyone could take what they wanted. I also had a huge pot with a sweet potato vine that I started in a jar of water. Had to repot it 4 times by the time I left and I think a few prople were squabbling over that one.


  4. Awesome 👏🏼


  5. Incredible pictures, Marilyn
