It’s Always Something

For some reason, my pingback isn’t pinging back, so this isn’t appearing in the big list of daily prompts. No reason I can figure. I do this every day and this ought to work. But it’s always something, isn’t it.

These lazy “just write and don’t think posts” amuse me. I write every morning. That’s what I do every day, unless I’m sick or traveling. I sit down and write. What do other people do, I wonder? The whole point of a prompt is to direct the writing, to send it in a direction, so to be told to “just write” is sort of funny. I don’t need a prompt for that, you know? I’m a writer. I will write anyhow.


Today we are in full “getting ready to go on vacation mode.” There are dozens of small things to take care of.

Extra dog food to buy.

Call the well guy so he knows we’ll be gone, make sure he has Owen’s number. We’ll pay him when we get home. Decide what we are taking. Not just clothing, but things. All the cameras, of course, The laptops. The Kindles. The tooth machine. What, you don’t take your tooth cleaning machine on vacation?

Conversation With Dave the Well Guy

Ring. Ring.


“Hi. It’s Dave.”

“Oh, hi Dave. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I just wanted to remind you we are going to be out-of-town from Sunday through next weekend. Owen will be here, so he can take care of anything you need. Except money. I won’t be able to pay you till we get back.”

“No problem. I know where you live. You’re not going anywhere and I don’t think you’ll spend ALL your money on vacation.” I flash on Jackman, where other than a tee-shirt and souvenir shop, there is nowhere to spend money even if we had money to spend, which we don’t.

“No, the money is tucked safely in our savings account so it won’t get accidentally spent on groceries.” Or other frivolities, I think to myself.

“No problem. We’ll get it done.”

That’s a country contract, folks. That’s how we do it, out here. No paper. Nothing in writing. Just an agreement, on the phone.

“You have Owen’s number?”

“I have it somewhere. Maybe you should give it to me again.” I do. He writes it on another slip of paper that as likely as not, he will lose … but he knows where we live and if worse comes to worse, he can track my son down. They know each other. It’s a small town.

Back to the Rest of Reality

The rice cooker. I’m going to bring it. For years I cooked rice without a special machine, but it’s been 15 years since I prepared rice without a rice cooker, so Garry says “just take the cooker.” It seems an embarrassment of riches, but I’m going to do it anyway.

Get the oil changed in the car.

Take cash out of the bank. Pack the laundry in a big trash bag and take it along because there’s a washer and dryer at the house. Don’t forget the special shampoo you need. Make sure we have all the phone numbers and papers we need. Directions. Do we want to take our pillows? Last time, we took them … and forgot them and had to buy new ones.

Worry about the dogs. Worry about everything because I worry. If I worry about it, maybe I can prevent it from happening. Worry as a ward against bad luck? I don’t think so. Charge the Kindles. Pack all the battery chargers for the cameras. Why does each camera require a different battery? Why can’t they standardize something? Batteries would seem a good place to start, don’t you think?

That’s what’s on my mind. Add it wondering what the weather will be like in Maine. I’m assuming a bit colder than here, though according to Wunderground, not much different … a few degrees at most.

Feeling uneasy about going away before resolving the well crisis … but we planned this a year ago and we either go, or lose the vacation. There’s no real reason to stay here and babysit our crisis, is there? Crises do just fine without a babysitter.

Ten minutes. I’m done. Back to sipping coffee. The leaves are still golden, even in the drizzly rain. Another day has begun.

Ready, Set, Done – Daily Prompt

Categories: Humor, Travel, Water

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29 replies

  1. Enjoy your vacation, Marilyn and Garry and come back with many stories and photos.


  2. Enjoy your vacation both of you. I think it will be just what the doctor ordered after the past couple of weeks. I’ll look forward to seeing your beautiful photos.


  3. Looking forward to seeing the photos of the vacation! Of course pack your pillow 🙂 Your house looks so cozy


    • The house is okay. I wish it didn’t have steps, but it’s not awful and it’s probably good for me to climb them a few times a day. Actually, going down is harder than going up. Up is just muscle. Down is also balance.

      I’m hoping to get a LOT of pictures. There’s not much else to do in that part of Maine. It’s truly the middle of nowhere. I’m hoping the well will be fixed by the time we get back. I’m really ready to be done with this crisis. I know it’s only been a couple of weeks, but it feels like forever.


  4. An exercise in stream-of-consciousness writing every so often isn’t bad. I am surprised though at how frequently we are being presented the 10-minute free write as the “prompt”. As you point out, it isn’t a prompt and relying on it so often is just lazy. I’ve not seen anyone praising the free write. Your vacation sounds great and I’m impressed you are bringing a rice cooker. 🙂


    • I think you are right. When they give us a prompt, it’s dull and often silly and these “free writing” exercises are coming up way too often. Lazy. They don’t seem to really care much. I guess they’ve got bigger fish to fry.


  5. I am envious – holiday in Maine must be wonderful. Say hello to Stephen King for me, I would say send me a card, but you don’t have my address and I am not giving it on WordPress, but have a good time. I would take my electronic tooth brush with me to England, but there is too much messing about with having the right plug for the english sockets, although I suppose I could buy an adapter. And eat a Maine Lobster for me.


    • Thank you. The part of Maine to which we are going is SO far north and so far inland we are more likely to get elk or moose steak than lobster. Although I’m pretty sure they have a post office, I wouldn’t want to say so with assurance. It is beautiful, way up in the mountains, close to the Canadian border.

      Jackman has moose. Deer. Bear. Elk. Loons. Hawks. Trees. Rocks. No restaurants. I think maybe there’s bar and perhaps a burger joint. A souvenir shop with t-shirts and caps.

      I think the grocery store is down the mountain, in Skowhegan. I have been assured THIS time, they have WiFi because last time, they had NO telephones, not cell or landline and NO WiFi. But they had cable TV (phew). So this is more like a retreat with photo opps. Maybe that’s just what the doctor ordered. It’s been a bit stressful around here.

      We should exchange addresses. You can reach me at if you like. I’ll send a post card. It will probably have a picture of a moose because Jackman, Maine is moose central 🙂


  6. Couldn’t help laughing at the pillow predicament – i’ve been there too. My other great classic is buying fresh food to bring back home with me, then leaving it in the fridge and only realizing when I arrive at the airport.


    • Yup. Done that too. Once, my husband (a different husband) left ALL his clothing hanging in the closet and we had to drive back several hundred miles to get it. I always forget something.


  7. I’ve painted feet in that exact position! Of course they were my feet!
    You (your feet look very relaxed).


  8. I will not write anyway. My imagination’s dead without a prompt and I need material otherwise, material I glean from reading and learning both offline and online. Sabe?


    • I understand. I have days like that. Fortunately, I am a photographer — so I have photographs to fall back on. I don’t need a lot of words when I have pictures. When words fail me … photos don’t.

      These “free write” prompts are pointless. The entire reason for a prompt is to poke the brain and give it a direction. These don’t give you anything at all.


      • True. Very true. When your mind feels empty, the prompts are saviours but then they tell you to fly solo and empty and then what’s a guy gonna do? Except maybe say boo 🙂


  9. Bubba looks like he’s ready to help..


    • Bubba is always ready to help. He’s good that way. As long as you keep the water bowl filled and give him bits of the meat when it gets trimmed, he’s one happy camper.



  1. It could be an experiment in historical living | wtf Am I On About Now?
  2. Incandescent Joy – The 3rd of October 2007 – Evanston, Illinois | Forgotten Correspondence
  3. Ready, Set, Done | Blogged With Words