“A gift of laughter…” SUE VINCENT

And the world really IS mad. I think possibly, so am I!

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

As I’m on a research mission this weekend, and having spent much of the week in hospital waiting rooms, I have dredged up a couple of old ones to share.This one was written two years ago…

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Rafael Sabatini is not the best known of writers these days, though he left his mark on both literature and cinema. He was born in 1875 in Jesi, Italy to Englishwoman Anna Trafford and Vincenzo Sabatini. His parents were touring opera singers and sent their small son to England to be raised by his grandmother. A few years later, his parents stopped touring and the family settled in Milan. Rafael’s schooling took place in Portugal and Switzerland where he learned a number of languages. Returning to England, he worked as a translator and began to write.

Within four years, Rafael was a regular contributor of short stories for national magazines and in 1901 was…

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4 replies

  1. I loved the movies made from his books. Whether it was Tyrone Power or Errol Flynn, they were FUN.


  2. Thank you for reblogging , Marilyn. 😉
