The Bedroom Door

The bedroom door

The bedroom door – Marilyn Armstrong – Olympus PEN E-P3, 45 mm F/1.8

Categories: #Photography, Cameras

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11 replies

  1. Beautiful shot! Jim gave me a dream catcher one year for my birthday. I kept in on my dresser for years. Since our move it is…somewhere still packed in a box. After two years, we still have unpacked boxes. 😦 Now I want to find this one! You brought back a wonderful memory!


  2. I love this shot. It looks like a double dream catcher? Good for catching twice the dreams! 🙂


    • They are both Medicine Wheels. One is Souix, the other maybe Apache, but I don’t remember for sure. I have a lot of these … both Medicine Wheels and Dream Catchers. I have them all over the house. Many were gifts when I was sick, so I’m a bit fuzzy on details:-)


  3. very nice dream catcher …


    • Dream Catchers have a kind of spider web design in the wheel. Medicine Wheels have four bars facing north, south, east and west. Otherwise they look very similar and you’ll see them in the same places. A lot of these were originally in my teepee, but it is gone and I brought my stuff inside. I sure miss my teepee!
