PA Unite Against the War on Women Rally

Right before I released a long, heartfelt piece in support of the right of women to choose abortion — early in the ongoing War Against Women being waged by the GOP in Texas — I got a bit nervous. I’m not afraid of controversy, but abortion is such a visceral, hot-button issue. No one seems to be able to deal with it rationally. Including me.

So I did something I never do: I asked Garry to read it and tell me if he thought I or it was over the top.

Was I going to be getting hate mail and death threats? He thought it was well-written and not at all crazy.

Stop GOP War

As for hate mail and death threats? “The crazies are always out there,” he said. You can’t let them tell you what you can or can’t write.”

So I published it.

Controversy? I don’t think anyone read or commented on it. It was humbling and funny. Here was probably the most “dangerous” topic about which I’d ever written … and no one noticed. It lingered around then disappeared without a trace beneath a pile of other blogs.

So much for fear! I’ve never worried about releasing anything since. It reminded me I’m just not that influential or important. I can try, but that doesn’t mean anyone is paying attention or cares about my opinion one way or the other. Sometimes, it’s healthy to be put in one’s place. Puts everything into perspective.


Categories: #Blogging, Ethics and Philosophy, Law, Personal

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29 replies

  1. Well it’s an issue that exploded in the 60’s. The 60’s were truly a period of massive upheaval and change. (understatement).
    There was a log-jam in the Conciousness … and somebody threw a stick of dynamite in.
    Abortion? it’s still an important issue – raises all kinds of questions. Many are Spiritual: What is Life? What is Soul? When does Soul enter the body? But for many, such questions are not even relevant … ??
    And I’m certain that no matter what you, I, or anyone believes – or knows – it’s still a very difficult decision / thing to do.
    Personally, I believe that Soul enters the body at birth – takes residence upon the first breath. Which doesn’t mean that some people don’t have contact and communication with that individual Soul prior to birth.
    I have my reasons for believing this – and they are based upon personal Spiritual experiences. But I can’t give these experiences to anyone else.
    So it’s still a matter of personal decision, conscience and consciousness.
    In the 60’s certain Christian Groups / Religions began to fear their falling influence in society and began to look for a means to re-establish power and control. They felt that the Abortion Issue provided them with an ironclad cause – and made it their Alamo. Who could deny that abortion was murder?
    Lots of people.
    The war was on.
    This war was really a clash between the Old and the New Consciousness. A turf war – vicious and violent.
    “This has happened before … and will happen again.”


    • You should write that for real because that’s the best explanation of how this horrible war began I’ve heard. Excellent, really excellent. And I think you are absolutely right.


  2. I would say that I’m kind of in the same boat as CM.
    I’ve never been in a position to even think of having an abortion. So- unless it’s me, my story – who knows how I would react/behave/decide in the same situation as another person. I like to leave it up to the individual despite what my personal feelings or beliefs may be. After-all – who am I to judge?
    I’m glad that you went ahead & posted your thoughts. THANKS 🙂


    • I’m in favor of freedom. That we have the right to live in our way according to our beliefs and needs. There are far too many who talk about freedom, but what they mean is “live the way I say you should because that’s the only RIGHT way.” I don’t have a direct (or indirect!) line to God or any other higher authority. Nor do I believe anyone else does. As far as I’m concerned, ultimate truth is still an open question.

      So … I believe in freedom. Even when it’s inconvenient.


  3. I’m sorry I missed it. I would have supported you. I was on the fence and back and forth across the fence. Now I personally am morally against abortion but believe I do not have the right to make that decision for someone else. It should be a moral issue, not a legal one.


    • Thank you. If the results of Prohibition don’t illustrate how legislating morality — someone’s version of morality — not only doesn’t work, but massively backfires, I don’t know what would. Morality is personal, private and individual. You can make a law, but you cannot enforce it. It has never worked and never will.


  4. Hello – sorry we missed each other in Cape Cod!
    I’ve just gone back and read your post too and agree with you and that first comment 100%. No woman makes that decision lightly but it is hers to make.

    All the best, I hope you enjoyed your time away – we did though, of course, it’s good to be home. 🙂


    • That’s pretty much how I feel. No woman — no person — should be forced to make this kind of choice on someone else’s principles. What I did seemed right at the time.d I do not know if I would do differently now. I know the choice would be harder today. I’m older and have lost loved ones and friends … but I was who I was and the past happened. You can’t unring that bell.


    • I’m sorry we missed each other too, but you were so busy and on such a tight schedule, it would have been impossible to hook up without disrupting your vacation. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Until I lost access to Word Press, I was avidly following your journey 🙂


  5. I just went back and read your abortion post. I would’ve commented on it but comments are closed. I am one of those who disagrees with you with my all my heart, soul and mind. It’s not just about your body, it’s about the life of an innocent child. I am not of child bearing age anymore and I also had an abortion in my 20’s. It was the worst thing I have ever done in my life. They made it very easy for me, too easy. I could go on with my reasons but you know them and I know yours, I just know in my heart your reasons are wrong.


    • I won’t argue with you. There is nothing more personal than this. Nothing. Would I do the same thing again? I don’t know. I’m not the same me that I was and I cannot second guess the past. I don’t think any woman should be forced to abort or give birth by someone else. I believe in the right to choose because it’s my body. But I also understand that others feel differently. That is their right, too.


  6. I think your writing, your clear and reasoned train of thought resonates with folks. That’s a BIG deal!!


    • Exactly what he said.


      • People have been killing each other over this since I was a girl. There is nothing I find more puzzling than killing someone in the name of saving lives. I can understand arguing, discussing, even picketing and protesting and petitioning. But murder? Really?


    • Most thinking people are conflicted on abortion, as they are — and for mostly the same reasons — about the death penalty. It’s terribly personal and in the end, not political. It goes far beyond party affiliations and loyalty.


  7. It is a hot subject.., but I think a great number of us are unsure how we really feel about Abortion. Never the less it shouldn’t be a measure of your importance whether folks respond or not.


    • I just think it’s wise to know when you aren’t going to change the world. One can keep trying. Maybe should keep trying. It’s just wise to keep expectations aligned with reality. You can get a very misplaced sense of power when you blog and it’s not such a bad thing to remember that you are just one voice amidst many many other voices. Humility keeps you from doing stupid stuff 🙂



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