Weekly Photo Challenge: BLUE SKY, BLUE SEA – BLUE HUE IS ME

The sky bright blue, accented with puffy white clouds and the water, taking its cue from the sky, felt that blueness was an appropriate choice for this day in autumn along the Atlantic coast.

The people came and went and oddly, though they could not have said way, felt the blueness too. Jackets and jeans, bags and bottles in shades of blue, all blue and bright with sun on a crisply beautiful day in Hyannisport.

Categories: #Photography, Architecture, Autumn, Light and Lights, photo, Seasons, Transportation, Travel, Water

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8 replies

  1. Somehow I can see, smell and hear the crisp Autumn day in your photos. Nicely done!


    • Thank you so much. And the best part, which I didn’t appreciate at the time? NO POLLEN. I came home and my asthma came back instantly. The ocean is wonderful for people with allergies because that salty air just clears all the pollen away. I wish I could be there all the time, just for that wonderful air!



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