In a hot dog joint in Worcester, the family dines together. American style. Plus, for your enjoyment, one of rock and roll’s great songs – Don McClean’s American Pie.

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15 replies

  1. Why do I love this song so much? Thanks for sharing it.


  2. I have to learn how you got the audio embedded…awesome! American classics, sad day had their visions never been seen! BTW I am searching for winter pics. I know you have some good ones 😆


  3. Great place. We love these kinds of places – maybe because we are this kind of people. 🙂


  4. It looks just like the diners I see in American films!
    Classic song.


    • It does look like the diner of diners, like the prototype for all others, though it’s in a building, not a dining car like a true diner. Still, it has that look.

      American Pie is one of my all time favorite R & R songs. It’s actually the history of rock. A knowledgeable friend sat me down and explained it line by line. The day the music died, in case you don’t already know (I bet you do), is the day Buddy Holly’s plane name American Pie crashed killing all aboard.


      • Funny. I was just thinking yesterday in the bathroom..where I do all my great thinking..about my favorite rock ‘n roll songs. I’m not exactly a r&roll maven but I have some favorites. “American Pie” could be number one for so many reasons.


        • It’s a great song with a really catchy tune, for starters. If it was nothing else, that would make it a great song. Actually, it isn’t very rock and roll-y. More folky, actually.


  5. This place to me screams America! Being from England I have grown up seeing diners like this in the movies. Love it!


    • Yes, it is about as American as any place I can imagine. It hasn’t been renovated since thee 1920s, so it has amazing ambiance, though in truth, the hot dogs are just okay. Still, eating there is great and the dogs are just $1.25 each. You can feed a family for a few dollars and soak up the atmosphere 🙂 With a fast lens, shooting the interior is a real treat!
