Our nearest city is Worcester. It’s an old city with enough grit to be interesting. This part of town is one of the oldest and architecturally more interesting — to me — than the newer areas. Also, the vintage hot dog restaurant with its huge dripping neon sign is a wonderful place for a photographer.

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Architecture, city, Urban Landscape

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10 replies

  1. Cool! I sure hope that I will eventually be gritty enough to be interesting as I keep aging.


  2. Wonderfully captured little town! Had hot dogs for lunch today…would loved to have had a Coney Island hot dog 🙂 Let’s do a post @Awakenings on your little town. I have a post ready for Massachusetts becoming the sixth state to join the union on February 6. Yours could be featured right before or after. What do you think?


    • Sounds fine. Massachusetts is a big little state. Small in area, but long in history. You’d have to tell me what you need because I have a lot of stuff.


      • Yea! Not sure if you remember my attempt at Journey Across America last year. Did not get any bites but want to try again perhaps in a different way. Go to http://awakenings2012.blogspot.com/2013/08/journey-across-america.html Then, we will get our thoughts together. Can’t wait until Feb to post MASS. I learned a LOT about your little state!


        • It’s an interesting place … with entirely different histories depending on where you are in the commonwealth. The area we are in was dominated by Quakers (everything around here is Quaker something or other). RI was part of Mass, but broke off due to religious difference. We are right on the border — just 2 miles. Boston is entirely different and drive 50 miles south of Boston to the Cape and you hit Pilgrim (Puritan) country. And the far western part of the state is all hardscrabble farmers … different than any other part of the state religiously and culturally. Yet you can drive the entire length of the state in about 3 hours via the Mass Pike.


  3. What a neat little town and you really captured some great images. There is no town anywhere near here that has that much character. Especially the town I live in. Since you love to take pictures (and are so darn good at it, anyway), it’s nice that you have places around you where you can take cool photos.


    • We don’t live in Worcester, but it’s our nearest real city and the county seat … so when we have to do business, that’s where we wind up. It’s an old city, so it has character … and being a poor city gives it grit.


  4. What interesting images so beautifully edited!
