Flavor #32  — A local ice cream parlor invites you to create a new wacky flavor. It needs to channel the very essence of your personality. What’s in it?

Over the many years of my mortal life, I have confessed sins, admitted faults, spoken of my darker thoughts. But never have I publicly confessed the full extent of my strangeness, this peculiar idiosyncrasy which sets me apart from humanity.

I stand before you to tell you the truth. I am not merely non-human, alien and weird. I am an ice-cream cone.


You might never have guessed it just looking at me, but as I stand here before you under the hot television lights, I am melting, pooling and like my pal Frosty The Snowman, I could completely vanish before your very eyes, leaving nothing but a mess of sticky stuff on the ground where once I stood.

Although I started life as a double scoop of chocolate, I soon developed serious fruity tendencies, experimenting first with common, garden-variety strawberry, then advancing into the dangerous territories of rhubarb and gooseberry. I bottomed out with Shibui Ginger in the mid 1960s. That was when I realized I tasted less like ginger and more like Palmolive soap. I was horrified at how far I’d fallen.

After long years of therapy, I have pulled back from the dangerous and exotic world of fruits and retreated to French Vanilla. I have even abandoned true ice cream-hood for a nutritious, less rich (and lactose-free) world of frozen yogurt.

No longer a thrill seeker, I find solace in half-gallon containers bought from the grocery store without so much as a sugar cone to give me form. I urge all of you secret cones out there to join me in openly acknowledging your true nature. Don’t melt alone!

In unity, there is strength.

And now, back to my refrigerator. I’m melting … melting … melting …


Categories: #Food, Humor

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29 replies

  1. Frozen Gin and Cranberry ! a Romulan Sunrise !
    Great on the Holo beach.


  2. It’s interesting to see how many of us have altered our tastes! Love your post!


  3. Jim has been experimenting with homemade ice cream since he found this new ‘gadget’ of an ice cream maker in a Heartland magazine. He is a gluten for gadgets!. Today’s Vanilla is a HIT! LOL 🙂


    • I remember when my first husband and I got an ice-cream maker. We didn’t know you had to cook and/or crush the fruit, so we made vanilla and blueberry bee-be ice cream. The vanilla was great, but you could break your teeth on the blueberries 🙂


  4. French Vanilla can’t really be beaten — a personal favorite of mine. I think I want to bring back that Edy’s Slow Churned Birthday Cake. Dang, that was good!


  5. How delightful. You must have been a hoot in the 60s and 70s


  6. I still remember the great days of the “banana boat” . Yummy!


    • That giant thing with all the stuff on it? I don’t think I ever ate one. I watched other people eat them, though. I’ve always been more of a cone. Sometimes a pop.


  7. I’ll have two scoops, please. In a sugar cone. With sprinkles.


  8. so funny, so clever! 😀


  9. Am speechless, so funny. I did not realise you lived in a fridge.


  10. I am rhubarb and saffron, laced with champagne, dusted with fennel pollen, sans cone and au naturel. But then I am a product of Salt and Straw Absolutely Fabulous ‘Farm to Cone’ Sustainably Delicious Ice Cream. (a Portland, Oregon native, can you tell?!) :o)


  11. Brilliant! Love it, Marilyn. Very funny and original and sensual. xxx



  1. Ice Cream Personality | Understanding and Embracing Diversity
  2. Flavor #32 – My Ice Cream flavor | The Bohemian Rock Star's "Untitled Project"
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