WEDNESDAY – June 10, 2015 #9

Welcome, again, to Frisbee Wednesday. Today I have wonderful pictures of my favorite local dam. And a story to go with it. Two of the best pictures were taken by Garry.

You may write about any of these pictures. Or any of your pictures or someone else’s picture. Write a little, write a lot. At your pleasure.

The picture for this week is by Garry Armstrong, who is coincidentally, the subject of today’s story.


Please add your own ping back (links) or put your link in a comment, then link back to this post so other people can find you and me. My effort for this week follows.

Garry as John Ford

Garry as John Ford

Garry has been feeling unwell. Something happened and it started with a bug bite. My first guess would be a brown recluse spider, but according to the authorities, that’s impossible because “they don’t live here.” We do have black widows … even the experts admit that … and giant wolf spiders (let us hope I never encounter one because I would probably die of fright) …  but no brown recluses.

Whatever it was, the bite was painless and the culprit got away. The experts get to retain plausible deniability for their contention “it didn’t really happen.”

Only the spider — if it was a spider — knows for sure, and he isn’t talking. Yet.

Garry started to feel not-so-good shortly after Kaity’s graduation. He was energetic during the event, the picture of a proud grandfather with field producer experience.


The day after The Big Event, a different story emerged. His left leg hurt. Shooting pains. He was limping. Both of us assumed (never assume) this was because he’d pushed too hard the previous day.

That wasn’t it, because it got steadily worse. On Thursday, while towelling off post-shower, he noticed something nasty on the back of his left calf, down near the ankle. He showed me.

Garry at Manchaug

It was an ugly wound. Two areas affected, the larger one had two big gray-blue, oddly shaped blisters surrounded by dark red inflammation plus a smaller version lower on the ankle. I lanced the blisters, cauterized everything with surgical iodine, slathered it with antibiotic ointment and bandaged him like a wounded soldier on the battlefield.

He said he felt better. Friday passed, but on Saturday morning, I didn’t like the way it looked. It seemed redder and the area of redness had expanded. I called the doctor. Drove him there.. Brought him home, then went out to the pharmacy for antibiotics. It was the first time I had driven since before the heart surgery in March 2014.

Just a day later — Sunday — the weather being fine and Garry feeling a little better, I suggested an airing. Manchaug. I’d drive. It would be low impact.

The shot for which life and limb were imperiled.

The shot for which life and limb were imperiled.

I should have known better.

I left with Garry, my husband, but arrived in Manchaug with director John Ford. Squatting in the tall grass to get that great shot of the dam with the wild daisies in the foreground, leaving me wondering if he’d be able to get up — as I pondered how many biting insects were hiding in that grass. I would have thought he’s had enough of getting bit. But it’s not about me. Who am I to keep an artist from his moment?


The doctor was worried about Lyme. Although I saw no evidence of a tick, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t bitten by one or several. Ticks drop off when they’ve completed their meal and Lyme is endemic to this region.

I’m counting on it not being Lyme. Or anything serious. Because the maestro needs his space — and I need the maestro.

Categories: #Health, #Photography, Humor, Marriage, Relationships

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61 replies

  1. Good evening, I am back with my response.
    It took time so I will check your new posts later. Lots of regards.


  2. I missed this post when I was in Mumbai. Today I was thinking of you and realized that I didn’t reply to this week’s photo prompt. Searched and read it. I am so happy to see Garry recovering fast. I will come back with my response.


    • Not to worry, there will be another! Garry is recovering — not so fast, but he is definitely mending. Yesterday afternoon, for the first time in two weeks, he was walking without a serious limp. It gets very stiff later in the evening, but each day is slightly better than the previous one. Slowly but surely …


  3. Sorry to hear this, Garry, but you look maaahvelous!


  4. Poor Garry… Things didn’t have a happy ending in my story. Blame my muse 😦 I’m glad he’s feeling better (in real life anyway).


  5. My husband got bitten by a brown spider – this is many years ago in Western New England – which sounds a lot like the bite yours got. No one told us it couldn’t be a brown recluse. It festered, spread, got better, got more inflamed, showed mild improvement, then worsened again, literally for months. B”H, it finally healed, before we left the country even! 😉 It was so horrible! I hope that Gary isn’t suffering as much and that is clear up entirely.


    • Sounds similar. It gets better, then worse. Better in the morning, worse in the evening. The whole leg hurts, the foot get tingly and numb. The infection in the skin around the wound is clearing up nicely (antibiotics), but the muscle damage underneath, not so quickly. Experts keep saying that spider isn’t really here. Then what bit him?


  6. Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better Garry. Probably better to be getting on with things than sitting around at home but I don’t think I’d have been wandering around in long grass bare legged. The things we do for our hobbies :). Great photos by the way.


  7. Feel better Mr. Ford. If you see any more spiders give them your left heel of your shoe. It’s only fair right? Great photos Marilyn, of both the dam and The Legend.


    • The doctor also votes for the brown recluse, you know, the spider the experts say doesn’t live here, except that nothing else fits. If that is what it was, he will continue to get better and it will eventually just disappear. Will need to rerun bloodwork at the beginning of July. Meanwhile, the famed director thanks you for your support, as does his lowly other half 🙂


  8. This is a love story, and I love a love story… so glad Garry is better and able to get these beautiful shots.


  9. A little fresh air and hobby fulfillment is always good for what ails you. The doc gave Shemp the same advice in an old Stooges short… and it’s always wise to follow the advice of Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, and Dr. Howard…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Garry hasn’t gotten any advice, except from me, and he is inclined to ignore me. Because I am his wife and therefore, should be ignored on principle.

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    • Sorry, Evil, I am not a Stooges fan. So, go ahead and pull leather if you feel lucky. I’ll be your huckleberry. Very wonderful post by Marilyn about her stooge Husband.
      I know it may have been stupid pursuing those shots. But stupidity and the “John Ford Syndrome” trump reality. Yes, I am still paying the price. A very comely young woman with ample cleavage spied me limping around the supermarket yesterday and asked if I was okay. I said, yes, it was just a flesh wound that had me walking around like Walter Brennan. She blinked on “Walter Brennan”.


  10. Wonderful pictures! I hope Garry is feeling better soon.

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  11. Great pictures. When will you guys know if it’s Lyme?

    Liked by 1 person

    • It could take weeks. There’s no definitive tests, so it’s based on symptoms and they develop over time, not immediately.


    • Hey, Lady Bug. We see my PCP today. Maybe we’ll get some answers. Hopefully it won’t be lyme.
      But I must confess I have a yen for raspberry lime soda (soder?). Our supermarket only has the diet stuff which I hate.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I hope you will get the answer you hope for. Thanks a lot Garry, now I want a Lime soda as well.

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        • Raspberry Lime soda takes me back to the old days when drug stores had soda fountains. Raspberry Lime and cream are my favorite flavors when I’m not knocking back PowerAde. A far cry from when I was in my prime.

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          • Note to myself “never read Garry’s replies before lunch time.” Now I am having cravings for all kind of stuff that I don’t have at home.


            • Garry craves, but rarely acts on the cravings. Probably made easier by not having a junk food outlet conveniently nearby!

              Liked by 2 people

              • But I do love raspberry lime soda (soder). Why in the wide wide world of sports does our Hanniford stock mostly the DIET version. I hate that stuff!!
                By golly, I just had an epiphany! The Big Guy wants me to focus on drinking Power Ade and taking in all those electro lytes.
                I still want my raspberry lime soda.


    • When, Lady Bug? When, you ask? When hell freezes over, the dogs feed themselves and the Red Sox get some decent players who actually care about something other than their paychecks.
      As Mickey Spillane once wrote, it’ll be “The Long Wait”.
      Now that I have that drivel out of my system, yesterday’s session with my PCP was pretty reassuring that it is probably not lyme but some nasty commie, right wing spidey bite.
      “When” — nice ditty by the Kalen Twins on an old 45 when the world was young.
      Time for my meds.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Garry is certainly dedicated to his photography. Take care and hope you get some good news with all the bloods

    Liked by 1 person

    • He gets really involved. It reminds me of the way he was when he was working — very focused and oblivious to everything but what he’s doing.

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    • Thank you, Raewyn. Have I mentioned you have a wonderful name? What is its origin?
      As for photography, it’s Marilyn’s fault. She nudged me into it. Seriously, I’ve always had an eye for things. But in my professional life I always was in FRONT of the camera.
      I find photography an exciting new chapter in my life, thanks to Marilyn.
      We are hoping for good news from the doctor later today.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I am hoping for ANY news from the doctor. Any information. Something.

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      • Nice to hear from you Garry. I have just searched my name. It is very uncommon.
        [ syll. rae-wyn, ra-ew-yn ] The baby girl name Raewyn is pronounced REY-UWIHN †. Raewyn has its origins in the English language. Raewyn is a variant form of the name Raeven.

        Raewyn is not popular as a baby name
        for girls. It is not in the top 1000 names. It is of English origin and means Raven.
        I like it because it is unusual and that is why I watermark my photos with it.
        I love your photography. I think you would have had an eye for details when you were working and in front of the camera. You would have worked out where to stand for the best impact etc. I find it really great that both you and Marilyn have something that you can both do together.
        Hope the blood tests turn out well. All the best.

        Liked by 1 person

        • We saw my Primary Care Physician yesterday and she practically — but not absolutely — ruled out lyme disease after studying my blood work results. She thinks it’s probably a nasty spider bite and feels it’ll take time for me to be my “normal” self again. Meantime, I take the antibitocs, allergy meds and, today, I’m getting a new muscle relaxer.
          Marilyn and I are discussing whether we should take our trip to Maine in 9 days. It’s a very long drive. We’re going to give it a week and then decide.
          I truly like that name, Raewyn, ma’am.

          Liked by 1 person

  13. Great tale Marilyn, you can’t keep a good man down can you….great photos…here is the story I ctreated using the last one:

    Liked by 1 person


  1. SERENDIPITY PHOTO PROMPT 2015-9 – The Owls | Morpethroad
  2. A Serendiptious One Word Photo Challenge | decocraftsdigicrafts
  3. 1.21 Gigawatts | Evil Squirrel's Nest
  4. Don’t Look for the Spider | Cordelia's Mom, Still
  5. SPP: The Forest Has Eyes | All About Being Human (award-free zone)
  6. My Purple Passion ! | soul n spirit