From the WordPress.com monkeys to you! Yes, folks, this is my very own personalized summary of this past year in blogging.

I have never been to the Louvre, but it’s good to know that my followers are filling its halls.

The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed more than 115,000 times (not 110,000) in 2015, but you probably already knew that.

If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about 5 days for that many people to see it.

Wow. Or they could just visit the Rodin exhibit. Or the Mona Lisa. I’m sure my blog would not be the main attraction at the Louvre on any day of any week of any year.


Actually, there were 1,206 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 4,206. No one knows how many pictures I posted because I don’t know.


365 days, from 1 January to 31 December. They could have merely said “every day.” And more than once most days. Which is why I really need a break.


Friday (Really? Wow!) 185 posts total. I have no idea why I posted more on Friday, but I think it may be because that’s the day the WordPress Photo Challenge comes out.

You can click here to see the complete report, but I figure you’ve already seen more than you have any interest in. Since WordPress kindly supplied this lovely, official document, I might as well make use of it, right?


Categories: #Blogging, Statistics, WordPress

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12 replies

  1. Voila !!! I m the one out of those five ! I just pray that I continue reading and commenting one of the mind blowing blogs and I loved that last year. This year didn’t start on a promosing note as far as blogging is concerned since I am out of scene due to some reasons. I sincerely hope to get back into action. Congratulations on your successful longest streak. What an achievement !!!


  2. Since I know Le Louvre I can confirm that it’s a BIG museum, so bravo! See you soon for more in 2016.


  3. Marilyn being compared to the Lourve is something else. I think you can google the Louvre and take a look around. I used to take our younger daughter there on Wednesdays when her school was out. It would blow your mind to see it. So you have a “mind blowing” blog!


    • Thank you 🙂 That’s a very lovely way to put it. I’m going to have to settle for a virtual look at the Louvre. Europe isn’t going to happen now. I’m too tired. We could have done Paris instead of Arizona, but I couldn’t face the walking. What’s the point of going to Paris if you don’t walk?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Paris is really a place to walk, you’re right there. There is so much to see and do, it boggles the mind. We won’t be going there either. Too much unrest.

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  4. You’ll do!

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  5. I actually kinda enjoy looking at the reports of others…. if only to see how far away I came from making the top commenter list. Your busiest day was my birthday, and for some reason, there seems to be a grey spot on the calendar for September 22nd despite it crediting you with a year-long streak. That may be some more DST weirdness since WordPress likes to retroactively pretend the current time has been the same time forever (This is why my most active day ever on my stats page always fluctuates between 399 and 403 depending on what time of the year it is…)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have no idea what they mean by anything they do or say. They were more than 5,000 views off, too and it’s perfectly possible I missed a day, though I schedule everything in advance …usually. Except for the second week we are going to be away this time, I have nothing scheduled. I just can’t bring myself to confront the void. I haven’t even looked at my comments until now. I don’t want to write anything. I haven’t packed or planned what I’m packing or pretty much done anything I ought to be doing … except I pay the bills, though. I’m not THAT fried!


  6. Not a mean feat at all. Good job 🙂

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