Object lesson of the day: I picked up my camera. Removed the lens cap. Pressed the ‘on’ button. Nothing happened.

I panicked.

Then I changed the battery.

Lesson: Before you panic, check the battery. You’d think after 40 years, I’d have figured it out by now, wouldn’t you?

It is not spring. That’s two weeks in the future, but the weather hasn’t looked at the calendar. It thinks it’s spring. I’m not about to argue the point.


It’s lovely. Warm. Gentle breeze. Bright blue sky. Too early for leaves, though I wouldn’t be surprised if the forsythia bloomed early. After three years of brutal winters when snow lingered late, what a treat this warm, friendly weather is.

dutch door spring-030916_05

The open dutch door lets in the fresh air — a luxury after a winter with everything closed up tight.

Sunshine is streaming through the aloe by the sink. The light glows in a little bottle on the window sill.


It’s almost my birthday … just two more days. The gypsy fortune-teller was wrong. I did not die in my 68th year (so there, gypsy lady). I might make it to the big 70!

Today, it’s too warm for my “between season” jacket! Too warm for a sweatshirt. Perfection will be more rain until our rivers are full again.

Categories: #Photography, Cameras, Daily Prompt, Humor, Spring, Weather

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27 replies

  1. Was a time when “we didn’t need no steenkin’ batteries”….


    • Or, at least SO MANY batteries. Ye gads, EVERYTHING runs on batteries, from Garry’s hearing aids, to my Pacemaker.


      • Last night, while recording, my foot, unknowingly, became untangled in the AC wires powering my stuff. When I moved, the inevitable happened and I yanked the plug from the Apple laptop computer. On Apples the plug is magnetic and so came away clean without breaking. But the really cool thing is that the Mac switches from one power source to the other with no interruption.., so yay batteries! But other than stuff like this I hate ’em too.., especially when they leak and chemically destroy everything.


        • Garry and my laptops also do that instant switch … I think it’s the way laptops are designed. But batteries need work. They need to be less dangerous to the environment and last a lot longer on a charge. I use all rechargeable batter except for a couple of small things that won’t work on rechargeables and demand a “regular” batter. Everything seems to be rechargeable, from vacuum cleaners to double AAs. I have a ridiculous number of batteries and chargers. It’s crazy.


  2. What a beautiful set of photographs! And I liked the beginning — made me laugh out loud.
    Happy almost-birthday! Hope it’s a good one.
    [Mine is the day after yours (March 12th!) — suddenly, in the past week, I’ve discovered three or four bloggers whom I follow who have birthdays within four days of each other! ]


    • I still also panic when I look through the lens and it’s dark. Almost always because I forgot to remove the lens cap. And that has nothing to do with age. I’ve been doing that since I started taking pictures.

      Douglas Adams, the Late Great Author, was March 11.

      Mitt Romney is March 12.

      The great and the not so terrific. Happy birthday to you, too!! Pisces. We are a fishy lot!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. We will both make it for the big 70, in the meanwhile I have marked your big 69th in my calendar. Yes it is slowly Spring, even if my sparrows are hopping around with a woolly hat and scarf and the grass is white in the early morning. If only we could change our batteries like the camera.


    • I also need a new motherboard, more RAM and quite possibly a bigger (faster) hard drive. If only we could just swap out the old boards for new ones! Rainy today, but record high temps for this time of year. Amazing, especially considering last year was the opposite — setting record lows for temps and the highest snowfall ever recorded. Off to the doctor in a little while. Still coughing, so it’s time to have someone just listen to this nasty chest. Before it turns into something worse.


  4. The broad spectrum of visible colours in the aloe shot is amazing. Is that all simply light or ???


  5. Great pictures. The aloe one speaks to me. Happy Birthday, I’m glad the gypsy was wrong!


  6. See – you can change your destiny.
    I want that bottle.


  7. looks lovely, we are having summer hang on here in the south, it’s been wonderful, plants are confused, but autumn will turn up and be quickly followed by winter. If I forget to say it in 2 days time…………have a lovely birthday 🙂 (Glad your still with us too! )


  8. We have the warm and the rain. I’d gladly give up the latter, because I’d like some nice sunny squirrel picture taking weather at some point during my time off this week, but if the forecasts are right, the sun won’t return until I go back to work…


    • Well, whether I like rain or not, we need it. Badly. We’ve been in drought conditions for five years and the rivers are 12 inches low. Which is a LOT. It’s going to take a lot of rain to fill them back up and I’d rather have water in the well than pictures in the camera. I think it should ONLY rain at night 🙂


  9. All is well with the world? (minus the colds)
