The challenge is “concept.” The picture is …


Tranquility and balance

Paula’s Thursday’s Special this week is “Conceptual Photography.” Which — for me — less an illustration of a concept, then a picture that embodies — or is itself — a concept. Many of the odd photographs I take are an attempt (more or less successful) to capture an idea, often of balance, or a counterpoint..

I took this one last night very late. I think I was more than half asleep and the original intention was to see if the camera would do a particular thing. It came without a manual, so although I’ve had it more than a year, I’m still discovering what it can do. The answer turned out to be “yes it can” and this is the result.

I would have posted it last night, except I fell asleep before I finished the post. Better late than never, right?

Thursday’s Special: Conceptual Photography

Categories: #Photography, Challenges

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13 replies

  1. Still life on dog crate- I like it. The soft glow of light with candles next to it- a hint of color from the bowl. What do they all mean together? Do tell.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my, you fell asleep and I come so late to see your work. Sorry Marilyn, it is our time zones.
    I can see soft light, scented candles, something ambiguous that looks like a tea pot or an old phone, a nice ceramic bowl, and a box, or is it a book cover? They are all placed together on a wrought iron shelf/ desk. The scene looks inviting and inspires tranquility of a home at peace. Thank you.


  3. “Lamp and Jars” by Marilyn. I can see this in a gallery with people clustered around it, pondering its deeper meaning. They’d be disappointed to find out you snapped it on the way to bed.

    Liked by 1 person


  1. Thursday’s Special: Conceptual Photography | Lost in Translation