
I could talk about the bounty of the dinner table. I could talk about the generosity of strangers, the bounteous joy of the season. But I can truly, with utmost sincerity, speak to the merits of this greatest of paper towels, Bounty.

The Quicker Picker Upper comes into its own during the holidays. From spilled gravy, to that slimy trail left by dogs dragging bones bigger than they are, nothing cleans better than super high-quality Bounty paper towels.

bountry-paper-towels-2So today and tomorrow, as you sit alone with yourself and the television or computer, or you are breaking bread with loved and not-so-loved ones — or you find yourself sharing the holiday with other fine folks wherever fine folks gather, remember this. Just one sheet of Bounty is worth three or four of those cheaper paper towels.

Values. It’s all about values. Don’t settle for less.

Just saying.


Categories: celebration, Humor

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24 replies

  1. It’s also a great Yankee gift. I mean, who couldn’t use a quicker picker upper?!


  2. That’s a much better advertisement for Bounty than the one I skewered earlier this year….

    Liked by 1 person

    • Not only do I remember your post, I remember the original advert. And I remember thinking that the kid was a danger to himself and others and needed careful monitoring for anti-social tendencies. And while Scott will clean up a spill, the upscale Bounty is better — if you have a lot of spills to clean up. But Bounty’s NEW stuff totally sucks. “Basic Bounty” is a class D paper towel.


      • Bounty Basic is basically just Sparkle in a Bounty wrapper… just like Charmin Basic is Angel Soft in a Charmin wrapper, and Tide Simple and whatever its called now is really just Purex in a yellow Tide bottle. P&G created them to try to get a cut of huge pie that can be had at the lower end of the market where people just buy whatever they can afford. While it’s making P&G a lot of money, it also runs the risk of diluting the power of the top flight brand names they’re exposing to this strategy. It’s kind of like Mercedes Benz making a cheap, no frills puddle jumper car and calling it Mercedes Basic…

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yup, you’re right. Many of us have already noticed this and shop accordings. I didn’t know BB was Sparkle, but I knew BB was worth buying. I didn’t know Tide Simple was Purex because we already buy Purex. Lots of stuff like that. It’s a marketing strategy that takes as axiomatic its customers are stupid. Some are. Many, not so much.

          Liked by 1 person

        • You people have my head spinning with all this stuff. Hey, Squirrel, do you really squeeze your Charmin TP before using it??


  3. This post was brought to you today by… 🙂
    I agree that the more expensive paper towels are much better value than the cheaper ones, where you need half the roll just to soak up one little spill.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Bounty’s working overtime during Christmas, doesn’t it now. Lol, enjoyed reading this.


  5. great take on the prompt! I’m strictly a Bounty user myself 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Reblogged this on Covert Novelist and commented:
    Had to reblog, too funny!


    • I just couldn’t do another sentimental Christmas thing. Because I’ve been wrangling with the world’s biggest leggo lamb all morning and it is finally IN the oven and presumably, will be good to eat. After all this work, it sure better be. Not the easy Christmas I had in mind.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Product endorsements in your posts? What next? Product placement in your photos? How much were you paid?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. haha! And a very Bounty-ful holiday to you and Garry, Marilyn! May your spills be picked up quicker than Santa scootching up the chimney! 😀

    Liked by 2 people