DUBIOUS – an adjective about which you may hold much conjecturing.

Dubious is an adjective — as in hesitating or doubting — not to be relied upon. It also means suspect as in “extremely dubious assumptions.” Add it that suspicious, untrustworthy, unreliable, questionable and just for kicks, morally suspect.

That would pretty much sum up our government these days. I’ve been assured by others that their government is no less dubious or morally suspect than ours, but I defy any government to be more hugely, gigantically, and outrageously dubious that the current American version. Australia may have lost more than half its governing body because (it turns out) they weren’t actually Australians — and Canada may have significant doubts about what Trudeau is really doing “up there,” but for pure blowhard untrustworthiness and morally suspicious behavior, it would be hard to top The Big Donald.

He sort of has it all wrapped up. When he talks, it’s not merely double-talk. It’s also blatheringly meaningless random words strung together without a subject, object, verb … or an end. Not not to mention illiterate, but I think I can safely say that our president is the most illiterate guy to ever hold high office, at least in the past two or three centuries. He is also suspicious, suspect, untrustworthy, unreliable, questionable and I think we’ve passed “morally suspect” and moved on to degenerate.

Anyone want to argue the point?

So while the rest of the you may indeed be in trouble, I defy any country anywhere to be in worse trouble than we are. Your governments may be crap, but ours is crappier.

Just saying. Among the dubious, we are the most absolutely potentially terrifyingly dubious of all. Yay America!

Categories: Cartoons, Government, Humor, Political Cartoons, political parties, Politics

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19 replies

  1. Dubious also as in: ‘Not to be believed’!

    If enough people do not believe in him – or a single lying word he spouts – then he will vanish in a puff of orange smoke never to be seen or heard from again!

    Repeat after me… “There’s no place like Home… There’s No Place Like Home… There’s No Place Like Home! (and there IS NO Donald Trump.)

    We have nothing to lose but the Loser himself! 😉


    • That would REALLY be easier if he weren’t trying to take away our health care, have a nuclear war with North Korea, raise taxes on anyone who actually earns a living, pollute the water and air and drill for oil in the last piece of unspoiled arctic. Kind of hard to ignore all that stuff, y’know?

      Liked by 2 people

  2. This post is priceless. Love it!!


  3. Reblogged this on From Sandy Knob and commented:
    Love this one, cartoons and all!!!


  4. Yes, dubious does pretty much sum up our government these days. And dubious is how I feel about how the Republicans are likely to do anything to fix this mess.


  5. Have to agree Marilyn. Our current government, what’s left of it, are rubbish but at least they do not seem to be intent on starting World War 3.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. You are right though. USA we’re number ONE! Go USA! … oh wait … never mind.

    Liked by 2 people

    • No, it’s just like Trump said. We’re winning so much we’re tired of all that winningness. We’re winning the race to destroy the air, the water, the rivers … to strip health care from everyone who needs it … AND we’re waving nukes at North Korea. No one does stupid better than WE do.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. I dunno. I think Somalia is fairly effed… I just wish this nightmare were over and all the people who support him suddenly awoke one day realizing they’ve been had. I wish a REAL leader would emerge from the slough of dubious ethics and greed. I’m amazed that now the Repubs (led by Sessions) want to start another investigation, this time into the Dems. They are so blind they think this is a partisan issue when it isn’t.


    • The whole Republican Party is gonzo. They’ve rejected reality, facts, truth, and science. I know that periodically, the world decides it’s time to go backward for a while and we are obviously IN one of those periods … but they have so completely eliminated their relevancy in this generation. As far as I’m concerned? They’ve made themselves both irrelevant and insanely dangerous.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. It is rather shocking to watch, I confess. Someday when they try to make a movie of this about this … I wonder how you’d pull it off? It’s so incredible.


  9. Why was he the first person I thought of when I saw the title of this prompt?
