Circles and squares in squares. What could be simpler? Seeking squares and circles — inside squares, of course! From BeckyB!

Usually, I find antique cars at car shows. There are quite a few car shows — antique car shows especially — in this area. A surprisingly large number of people have restored old cars and they have barns, so they are easy to keep through the long winter.

This one, though, showed up in the parking lot at Hannaford and I could not resist taking pictures of it. The own came out and give me a little extra history, too.

Antique truck with round headlights

Squaring the Square and a few circles

Categories: #Photography, square

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13 replies

  1. Lovingly restored to perfection. Nice!


  2. What a beauty, Marilyn.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I went to an antique car show this past weekend. Gosh, I love them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • And what a great place for taking pictures! We missed a full tour of the Tuskegee museum, but it was a very long drive home and it was getting late. I’m hoping we’ll get there again when the weather warms up.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. what a fabulous car! Great take for circles in squares


    • It was also quite a little masterpiece of restoration. I would NEVER park something that perfect in any parking lot. I thought he showed a lot more faith in other parkers than I would.


  5. Cars were works of art once. This one is gorgeous.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My step-grandson — who has his own restoration facility — always refers to it as “fit and finish.” A good car is all about fit and finish. Most of our cars don’t even have doors that close properly.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Becky, I agree. Used to be you could tell a car from its design. Caddy, Chevvy, Buick , Pontiac, Mercedes Benz (I ADORED the 80’s Mercedes convertible. Marilyn and I checked it out at a dealer. We could afford it if we lived in it), etc.

      These days, most cars look alike. No individuality. Too Boxy.

      Car in Marilyn’s picture could’ve belonged to Al Capone or Legs Diamond. Good running boards to use gats and tommy guns while fleeing Eliot Ness and his G-Men.

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