Flower of the Day

I got two blooms on my Christmas cactus. The first flower closed up this morning and the second opened this afternoon.

By the time I remembered to grab my camera to take some pictures of what is probably the last flower for this year, it was late. Close to dark, really. A very dim light in an east facing doorway and I wondered if anything would come out. I could have turned on the lights, but that would have distorted the colors and I don’t like flash.

Not only do I need new glasses, but I was shooting in very low light and a bit too close for that light level. 

I’ll try to take some sharper pictures in the morning when the sun is still in the sky.

Categories: #Flowers, #Photography

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11 replies

  1. Well Done and they look really good.


  2. I LOVE how they turned out. Spectacular to my eyes. I was going to say, very late for Christmas Cactus isn’t it? Although when I had one several years ago, it was want to do its own thing whenever, which was agreeable to me 🙂


    • They bloom whenever the feel like. Most of them bloom in November and December, but they often bloom more frequently and when you don’t expect anything, suddenly, flowers. I like the unexpectedness.


  3. They really are quite lovely. They seem to bloom when nothing else has or does.

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