FOWC with Fandango — Dreamer

This song peaked in 1958, the year I turned 11. But that was not the end of it because many other people sang it and for reasons someone can probably explain, the words have had a strange way of sticking in your head.

This song has gotten stuck in my ears regularly over the years … and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone.

The Everly Brothers: ALL I HAVE TO DO IS DREAM!

Categories: #FOWC, Daily Prompt, Music

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10 replies

  1. It gets played at work all the time. There was also a version of them doing this on the 70’s concert show Musik Laden that VH-1 Classic used to have in their regular video rotation. I think it’s definitely their best known song even today…


    • They did later versions of it that were very slow. Same guys, same song, but a very different sound. I still like this earlier version. Yes, a lot of singers still do this one. It has become a classic … rare for “pop singers” of their ilk.


  2. I have heard this song, when music gets stuck in your ear, its a ear worm, and the only way to exorcise it is to dream….


    • There are lots of versions of the Everly Brothers performing this on the Internet. In later years, they played it much more slowly, almost like a lullaby. I like this — the original version — at the faster speed better.

      And yes, it really gets stuck in your ear 😀
