RIGHT AS RAIN – Marilyn Armstrong

One of the ways I know I’ve gotten old is when someone goes missing, I’m afraid they are in the hospital or some other catastrophe has befallen them.

I worry about the fragility of the people in my world. My family. Garry. Me. The dogs. Online. Personally. Distant and nearby. To be fair, I also worry about the fragility of our planet, the insanity of our government, the likelihood of catastrophic climate change.

Fires. Dogs. Pretty much everything, come to think about it.

Rusty pickup truck

Almost every day, someone Garry worked with dies. Because he worked on TV, he usually finds out when they announce it on the air. I can see him wince when they announce the name on the local news. Mostly, we don’t go to funerals. There are too many and we’d be going to funerals all the time.

Photo: Garry Armstrong

I remember — probably like 40 years ago? — my mother said, “You know you are getting old when your friends start to die.” And sure enough, that’s exactly what is happening.

While I was pondering this, I realized that there’s another side to this which is (are you ready?) — we might live a really long time. Considering all the crap I’ve already gone through physically, I’m still alive and doing pretty well, all things considered. Garry is amazingly healthy with relatively minor creaks and groans … and both of us come from families that live long lives (but were not necessarily prosperous) …

We could live to 100. Or more.

Oh no! If we are going to live that long, the world better improve a lot. Soon.

I’m pretty sure a very long life might be almost as bad as eternal life — another appalling concept. I mean seriously, how many reruns could I possibly watch?

Meanwhile, we are right as rain. One quick question

Why is rain right?

Categories: #Photography, climate change, Getting old, Life, Relationships

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16 replies

  1. “Right as rain” when things are “dry”, whatever that means to us, and when we are without rain for so long and it finally does rain. “Right as rain” correct, needed, that is what I see it as meaning. Good article.
    We have experienced the death of younger friends, suicides and drugs, as well as heart attacks and disease. Realizing that life is precious, and there is a purpose for my/our continuance in this life, another day is another opportunity to do some good, and make a difference, if even for one person, in some small way.
    Lots to do, not enough time, we only have today, maybe not even all 24 hours, but use what you can to your advantage, and enjoy it. Life is good, even with the bad stuff going on all around us.


    • Anyone can die anytime for no special reason, but age does play a part and the older you get, the more you worry about everyone and everything. Remember when we used to “kill time?” I don’t kill even a minute these days.


  2. My sister-in-laws passing was traumatic. She leaves a big void.


  3. 🙂 What a great post! Agree with your ponderings and never knew why anybody should right as rain either…. One of the many things I don’t really understand but know perfectly well How it feels… 😉
    I have a sis who’s 5 years younger than me and when we met up 10 days ago she said: I really am getting old; we’re now going to more funerals than weddings, baptisms, fun events…..


    • If we went to all the funerals, we’d be doing little else. After a while, unless it is really local, you just don’t do it — unless it’s a family member or really close friend.


  4. I’m currently one step back from that – actors and TV personalities I grew up watching are starting to die.


  5. “Right as rain.” because farmers like rain? Except when they don’t of course. I learned this poem at school and thought it was funny then. I still do.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It saddens me when I hear or read about the deaths of people I know…or know of. Whether they are family or friends, Hollywood or TV stars, old rockers, reporters and journalists, it doesn’t matter. It feels like a small (or sometimes large) part of my world has been chipped away. And it’s happening way too frequently these days.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I also recognise too many names in the obits as I get older. People I would see often in the supermarket no longer there and living in a village where you almost know everyone with an aging population. A symptom to tell you that you are also growing old.
