ALL THOSE BIRDS – Marilyn Armstrong

So while the guy was here trying to figure out what was wrong with our boiler, he said “You know, I saw a lot of birds flying around when I came. I hope you don’t have a bird’s nest in the duct.”

Two Chickadees sharing a feeder

“No,” I assured him. “It’s just that we have a bird feeder on the deck.” Actually, when we lived in Boston, we did have a birds’ nest in a duct and we had to have it removed. I didn’t like it, but if the duct is blocked and air can’t move through it, it can get pretty funky.

Fat little Chickadee

Our woods offers plenty of places for birds to nest. Depending on mood, there are trees, tall and not so tall and a fair number of hollow trees.

Especially right now because so many trees fell during recent storms. We clean the branches off the driveway and roof, but whatever falls in the woods is a welcome home for birds and critters.

Tufted Titmouse

This morning, right before I realized it was pretty cold and determined we had no heat, I saw a full red-headed woodpecker hanging on the feeder. I went to get the camera and of course, he left and didn’t come back. But I did get some nice pictures of Tufted-Titmouse and Chickadees.

One Titmouse and a Chickadee. They will share the feeder … but from opposite sides and they never touch.

NOTE: Is the plural of Tufted Titmouse, Tufted-Titmouses? I know it’s not mice because they are birds. Anyone know? Or is the singular also the plural? Volunteers?

One more Chickadee. We have many.

Garry washed the window inside today. Maybe tomorrow’s pictures will be less blurry. I can hope.

Categories: #Birds, #Photography, Weather

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28 replies

  1. lol Garry. Boids are a beautiful thing! They bring their own kind of sweetness don’t they?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You’re getting a nice assortment of birds, Marilyn.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Tufted-Titmeeses?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Cute little birds, they are rather rounded, aren’t they?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It is rally wonderful to see the birds in your part of the world

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love towards the birds, of course we need to pay attention to their nest… They are also a part of this universe.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know we are not supposed to feed them so they will live “naturally.” But we’ve already destroyed most of their environment, poisoned them with weed killer, and our pet cats kill millions of garden birds every day. I figure I can feed them. It’s the least I can do.


    • Today, in our universe — treats for the dawgs, then the boids and then I grabbed a cuppa java. Priorities?


  7. So sweet birds. They are fattening up by the bird feeders!

    Liked by 1 person