PASS ME THE MEGAPHONE – Marilyn Armstrong

FOWC with Fandango — Megaphone

This was one of those days. If I’d had a megaphone, I could have just sat in the middle of my bed and shouted into it. That’s what I wanted to do.

WordPress just fixed us again. Using a function that doesn’t work that’s supposed to “powerfully find any post you’ve ever posted” by hovering your cursor over the title of your post which will then let you “copy” the post so you can “rewrite” or repost it.

The only thing that’s wrong is that it doesn’t work. The old version didn’t work well either, but the new one is much worse.

I had to call an insurance company and say I can’t afford insurance. Call AT&T and tell them they are a bunch of lying bastards. Call Bank of America and tell them they don’t have to cancel my debit card because I found it. Except they never canceled it and never ordered a new one.

I feel so PROTECTED.

We’ve got ants. In February. The yard has ticks. We haven’t had any snow. Like … none … really. We got to leave the windows open though, so at least the air was fresh.

A megaphone.

If I yell loud enough, would everyone hear me? Would it be loud enough to make the dirt under the half-ton of our bed bounce around down there? We’re never going to get it clean.

We can’t move the bed. I think if we got all the people we know together, we still couldn’t move the bed.

I’m tired of arguing with people. Explaining that I can’t do that because we don’t have the money. Explaining that it sounds like the vacation from heaven, but it doesn’t matter because we still don’t have the money and given that we live on a fixed income, we will never have the money.

Never is a funny word. We are never supposed to say never because there’s always a way. But sometimes, there is no way. There’s no answer. There’s no solution. No amount of searching for answers will change the answer because the answer is never.

Not ever in this lifetime will this situation change. That’s a fierce piece of knowledge to face.

Categories: #FOWC, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge

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24 replies

  1. Pretty unusual that you guys have missed the snow so far. That’s something, I suppose. Unless it’s bitterly cold?


    • It’s very unusual in this neck of the woods. Part of it was dumb luck. The snow went north and south and missed us in the middle. And then, there’s the changing wind and ocean current patterns … and what that means is not such a good thing. But at least, for now, we aren’t up to our chins in snow.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Are you getting the “ice storm” that we’re getting?


  3. I’m tired. I’m going to sleep.


  4. Hearing you loud and clear.


  5. Life can be very frustrating. I try not to answer the phone to charity callers anymore. I have to explain that my circumstances don’t allow me to subscribe, sponsor or buy tickets anymore because I can’t afford it. They say would it help if I didn’t have to pay for a month or six weeks? I say no, it wouldn’t help. I will still be poor then.


  6. Just wait until the Republicans reduce Social Security and Medicare benefits. That’s something that was NEVER supposed to happen, but just you wait. 😤


  7. Pass me the megaphone afterwards
