FOWC with Fandango — Semantics

It’s just a matter of semantics.

Since they got back to me from WordPress to tell me they had fixed the “Settings” function in the Reader “Manage” area, I said, “Thank you very much.” After all, they fixed it in one day. It’s a miracle!

Then I said a lot of people were really upset about the removal of the spell checker.

What they said is that almost everyone “up there” uses the free version of Grammarly (I have been using it for a while, too) — and that all browsers include free spell checkers with the browser. Of course, they seem to be unaware that if you are using an iPad or a phone, there might not BE a spell checker in there, but that was their explanation.

A lot of water pouring over the Mumford Dam right now. Another picture to keep us from losing it.

If you are on any browser, from Safari to Windows to Opera — any of them — all have spell checkers, usually somewhere in the “Language” section of the settings. My Google checker only works sporadically, possibly because when Grammarly is working, it decides to not bother. What I did count on from the WordPress spellchecker was for typos — sort of the “last outpost” before publishing.

I suppose this is truly a  matter of semantics since all spell checkers are free, assuming you are working with some standard browser. I don’t think Grammarly works on a phone, by the way (I could be wrong), but there is probably something that does work.

Spring comes to the Blackstone Valley. It has nothing to do with spelling or checking, but it’s pretty and I thought we needed a few moments of pretty.

My real objection is that they do this stuff without ever consulting their customers — us — or even sending a note to tell us about the changes they have made so we don’t get ambushed.

There are a lot of people who want the spell checker back. It’s an open issue, but I don’t know if they are going to do it or not. I see their point, which is valid, but stupid because really, how much extra work was it to just leave the spell checker there? Not everyone is equally good at dealing with browser settings. In fact, many people aren’t entirely clear that there ARE browser settings.

Snowballs and the Mumford dam in “downtown Uxbridge.”

They do have an explanation in their huge folders full of information about WordPress. The problem is that although these explanations are good, many of them are old and based on everything from XP to Windows 10 and various versions of Safari and Android built in there too. It can be difficult to figure out which of these many choices is what you need for your equipment.

Since I already use Grammarly and I upgraded (still free, but with a few extra perks to include awkward grammar). The grammatical fixes both aggravate me and yet can also improve the phrase, so I never know whether I’m going to be annoyed or pleased.

Semantics indeed!

The little footbridge in the merry month of May by the dam on the Mumford

Anyway, Grammarly is free and it does handle punctuation better than spell checkers. We tend to be sloppy about punctuation, especially online. I know I use a lot of dots and dashes rather than correct punctuation. You can turn that part of it off. Actually, I had to make a separate installation to make that piece work  and it is called “Ginger.” Also free.

However, the simplistic WordPress version is gone. Maybe they will put it back, maybe not. But it was intentionally removed.

The little canal along the Mumford

Wouldn’t it have been a nice touch to tell us? Not just do it, but inform us what’s going on?

Spelling isn’t usually the problem anyway. Most of us can spell reasonably well and can look it up in Google if we can’t. The problem is typos and repetitive statements from too much cutting and pasting — and leaving pieces behind.

So that’s it, kids.

We were ambushed. Again. But at least they fixed those settings and we urgently needed that particular fix.

Categories: #DamsAndWaterfalls, #FOWC, #Photography, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge, Marilyn Armstrong, Spring, WordPress

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21 replies

  1. I also use a lot of dots and dashes when writing on my blog, something I would never do otherwise!


  2. I enjoy Grammarly, but it has its faults! It likes to change sentences that I’ve written a particular way either for effect or because that’s the way someone spoke (and many times they spoke without grammar) and Grammarly insists it’s correct. That annoys me. I also found that there was a tug of war between wp and Grammarly and every time I’d make a change, it was still considered wrong, primarily because the two programs didn’t see eye to eye, lmao. Awe well, I do agree, notice would be nice, you know, considerate, responsible, thoughtful even!!!!!!


  3. You hit the nail on the head! They need to listen to their customers. They need to listen to feed back.


  4. I hadn’t even noticed it had gone. But, I learned something new from this post… I didn’t know browswers had their own spell checkers. Just assumed the wiggly lines came from whatever I was writing in. Nr did I know there was a free version of Grammarly.


    • I was a beta tester for Grammarly, but their original price for it was something like $12/month. I said “You will NEVER sell it at that price. No one will buy it no matter how good it is.” I was right. NOW you can get the free version, which does everything I need. I suppose big organizations buy the “full” version which is more a grammar checker than a spell checker. I did NOT like their grammar checker. I think they wanted everyone to sound the same. And the PAID version is now $2,99. As I said, no one was going to pall $12/month for a grammar and spell checker.


      • I gave the free version a go yesterday, just to see how it worked. Took me a while to convince it I am not going to start writing in American English just because that is the bigger ‘market’. And it doesn’t understand conversational writing. As an advert for the product, after being picked up on matters of style, it isn’t selling the paid version at all 😉


  5. At least there are beautiful pictures to view, and those require no spelling or grammar checkers. You’re blessed if you didn’t know it to live so near to all that beauty! WP makes so many of these stupid errors that I’ve stopped paying attention. Who needs higher blood pressure or a stroke from their ineptitude? Not me for one.


  6. I think I am a reasonably good speller, if I don’t know how to spell a word I either check or use another one but I do get caught out by typos and the bits that get left behind when you cut and paste while editing. It’s so easy to miss those. I like Grammarly although we are still fighting over my preference for British spelling but the WordPress spell checker was handy and it seems to me that it shows that they don’t rate spelling and grammar very highly. It seems to me that they make a lot of assumptions about the way people blog without asking them. They used to tell us before they changed things. Now they just do it. Rude.


    • They make a lot of assumptions because they never ASK any of us what we need and want. They do not request feedback from real users. I don’t know what they are trying to do, but they aren’t doing it. Whatever it is.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. When you live in a world that is half German and half english spelling can get a little complicated, so all I can say is thank goodness for my Apple computer or perhaps it is all computers, but when I am writing he always tells me with his hints what is wrong and gives me the right answer.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. “I don’t think Grammarly works on a phone.” There is a Grammarly keyboard for the iPhone, but I find it to be rather awkward to use, so I prefer the standard iPhone keyboard.

    As to WordPress, they seem to be dropping (without notice) useful features while being unable to fix REAL issues like pingbacks not consistently working and the gaps in the Reader on the WordPress app for my iPhone.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think a lot of their engineers aren’t engineers. They are kids with a little knowledge of programming and no understanding of the full functionality of the application — which is the heart of the problem. NO ONE can do good development work when they don’t have a grip on the entire application and all its functions. They keep dropping pieces without adding anything new. If they aren’t going to add anything, why drop it? What’s the point? IS there a point?

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Sometimes when spell check does work I sound like I don’t know what I’m talking about. I didn’t realize it disappeared here. LOL Hey I love these photos they look like paintings they are so lovely. 🙂
