WEDNESDAY’S BIRDS – Marilyn Armstrong

We’ve got funeral in Boston today and Garry needs to speak. This was not only one of his colleagues but a friend to both of us. I will miss Tom Ellis. We will both miss him very much.

This also means that we have to be there early and probably won’t be back until late. And considering Boston traffic, it might be even later than I think. It’s one of the reasons we so rarely go into Boston … but this is one we cannot miss.

So enjoy the birds. They are beautiful and they remind us of peace.

A pair of doves

Two Tufted Titmouses

Two Tufted Titmouses

A pair of Chipping Sparrows

Looking down Dove

Two finches and a chickadee

One little Goldfinch

Titmouse in the air and Chickadee on the feeder

One more Goldfinch

Diving Chickadee

A couple of Cowbirds

Categories: #Birds, #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Marilyn Armstrong, Nature, Spring, Wildlife

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20 replies

  1. Aren’t they gorgeous!
    I had a theory when I was a kid: when I finally understood bird watching that would mean I was old.
    i don’t feel that old, but I understand bird watching now. But I guess 70 would be old to a kid.


  2. I’m sorry for your loss, Marilyn and Garry, and I hope the funeral has gone as well as these things can. I’m sure Garry will have delivered an eloquent and fitting elegy. Thinking of you both, and the birds do bring peace. Perfect peace.


  3. Sorry about the loss of your friend Marilyn and Garry. I hope the weather is good for travel.


  4. What a cheerful and joyful gift you leave us Marilyn. I hope very much that this funeral is turning out everything the great man deserves and that Boston traffic is not getting the better of you. Condolences to both of you, it’s terrifying to lose so many friends in an ever shorter period of time. But it’s also ‘life’ as it is.


  5. Amazing photos Marilyn 🙂 I always love photos of birds 🙂


  6. Wonderful shots Marilyn. So many colourful birds.


  7. Nice photos. Those are not Carolina Wrens, but Chipping Sparrows.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Amazing that three varieties of birds would feed at the same time in such proximity!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m always surprised too. It depends on which of the birds is a bully. These bunch aren’t. ALL the finches get along together as well as the chickadees and the titmouses and nuthatches. They are all intimidated by the large woodpeckers but they don’t mind the cowbirds which are big but peaceable. Also the doves are very passive and friendly. They all get pissed off at the squirrels though 😀


      • Do the squirrels always win or do the birds sometimes gang up on them? The bullies at my house in the redwoods were the Stellar jays.


        • The squirrels ALWAYS win. Size beats attitude. Except the hawks will eat them for lunch — a different story.


          • That would be hard to see as well, though. I actually like squirrels, even though one chased my sister into the house and ran up her back and bit her! Rogue bull squirrel. There really is such a thing. Animal control furnished the term.
