Red Cactus Flowers Galore! -FOTD – 05/19/19

There are still unopened buds on the cactus. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cactus bloom nearly continuously for so many months. Maybe it’s the gray, cloudy, cold weather. The cactus seem to like bright light, but not full sun.

Also, while the cactus is doing its thing, the orchids are coming in. So far, I can see three spikes for flowers. I think there will be a few more.

I’d love to buy more orchids, but I have no idea if there’s anyplace in driving distance that sells them. I don’t think I can get these from Amazon — but then again, I haven’t tried. They say you can get anything on Amazon.

Can you buy living flowers? In pots?

As much of the cactus as I could fit in the lens

Categories: #Flowers, #gallery, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Christmas cactus, Flower of the day, Macro, Marilyn Armstrong

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6 replies

  1. You’re going to have to give that plant a medal.


  2. I think the cactus is vying with the birds for your attention. Both are beautiful.


  3. Very pretty from all sides


    • It’s SO not the time of year for this, but it has been blooming almost continuously since last November! Good because outside, it’s a wasteland of mud dead stuff. Although I notice my azalea is blooming this morning. Maybe there’s hope!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Amazing! How long have they been in flower this time?

    Guess what i have on three of my zygo (Christmas) cacti?? 🙂


  5. Cheering you on a gray dull day.

    Liked by 1 person