NO CRYING IN THE NEST – Marilyn Armstrong

FOWC with Fandango — Nest

A woman, younger than me, has no children and asks: “What is ’empty nest syndrome?’ What does it mean?”

I gave it a bit of thought. After all, my nest is empty except for two terriers and the handsome husband.

The empty nest is one in which the children have grown up and moved out. They have independent lives. These newly made adults have left the family nest and assumed the mantle of adult responsibility.  Isn’t that what we wanted all along?

Swan family all lined up

My mother’s life did not revolve around me, though I kept her pretty busy for a long time. She was a dutiful mother insofar as she did the right stuff. She fed us, though this was her least shining achievement. She clothed us … and to this day I wish I’d better appreciated the clothing she made for me. I was just too young, awkward, and afraid someone might notice I was dressed “differently” from the other kids. Big mistake.

The whole family!

She talked to me about adult things in an adult way. She gave me tons of books and if I look around, I probably still own more than half of them. These weren’t the books my friends and schoolmates read. They were grown-up literature. Sometimes, I had to ask her what it meant because if anything, she overestimated my understanding of the larger world. When I was ready to go, she was proud of me for taking the leap.

It freed her to paint and sculpt and travel. To read, go to the theater, spend time with her sisters. Not cook and clean all the time. Make her own clothing instead of mine. She was glad my brother and I were independent and built lives.

I doubt she suffered from any kind of empty nest issues.

Nor did I. Of course, my son and his family kept coming back. For years, I yearned for an empty nest. Having finally achieved it, do I miss the patter of little feet? Or, for that matter, the thunder of big ones?

Flocks of Goldfinch

I miss the thunder more. Is there something wrong with enjoying the company of adult children more than little kids? I really enjoy having real conversations with grownups who look like me. Even if we disagree, I’m delighted they have opinions. That they are part of a bigger world and standing on their own feet.

Maybe the difference is that so many women seem to prefer babies to adults. They don’t want independent children who don’t need them. Some parents urgently need to be needed.

Children need nurturing, but they don’t need it all the time and they definitely don’t need it for their entire lives. After some point, their drive for separateness should overwhelm the need for nurturing. The drive to be independent should become dominant. I have always thought it’s our obligation as parents to help our kids achieve adulthood because we won’t be here forever. They will need to go on without us.

An empty nest is when you don’t need to do a load of laundry every day. Where the sink isn’t always full. You can park your car where you want it.

Photo: Ben Taylor

Extra rooms revert to your use, even if you use them as closets for all the stuff you collected. If you have a life of your own, interests of your own. There’s no such thing as an empty nest. It’s a time when your kids have achieved maturity. It’s when the work you did to raise them right pays off.

Adult children are great. If you still need to nurture, get pets. Adopt dogs and cats and ferrets and parrots. They will always need you.

If you do it right, your kids will always love you, but not always need you.

Categories: #FOWC, Childhood, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge, Humor, Marilyn Armstrong, Parenting and parents, Relationships

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17 replies

  1. Ah great post. My children aren’t adult yet, still quite a way off, but I’m already enjoying them now more than when they needed me for everything. They are so much more fun when they can express their opinions and have a bit of a chat. My twin boys are still navigating the fine line between being funny and causing offence, but that’s OK, because I reckon lots of adults (me included) still get that wrong sometimes. Enjoy your empty nest, with thundering footsteps every now and then. 🙂


  2. I knew about the ’empty nest’ thing even though I never had anyone else (save hubby briefly) in my nest. No eggs, no hatchlings, no adult birdies that flew away. And no, to some of us, there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying the company of ‘adult kids’ while not admiring greatly ‘little kids’. ‘Course society doesn’t see things that way, although they are hypocrites to me. Anyone single or childless person who does enjoy the company of children (in a non-sexual, totally platonic way) is viewed today with a jaundiced eye and a ‘what are they DOING to/with that kid?’ attitude. Me? I avoid children on principle. I have none and I don’t like much the ones I know. There are always a few that are huge exceptions to the rule of course. I’m never EVER alone with a child though. I don’t think ‘that’ way, but society does and I’m just too tired to fend off bullies who believe in nasty things. You said TWO dogs? Uh, everything okay out your way? 😐 I hope Duke is well…


  3. two dogs? I have a feeling of having read about three, several times. Has one died? The one with all the medication?
    Or am I confusing things?


  4. By the way, I’ve gotten a couple of “posts not found” this morning for posts of yours that showed up in my notifications. Just wanted to let you know, in case something wonky is going on.


  5. The highlights of my old age is when our grown kids come over and spend time with us…talking, laughing, eating, and being with us and being present.


  6. We seem to have a bit of a revolving door instead of an empty nest.

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