THE WHITE OF A WINTER SKY #4 – Marilyn Armstrong

WHITE WINTER SKY – Marilyn Armstrong

The sky is as white as the snow. That was winter. Now, it’s just dull gray, day after day. With rain, with sleet, with ice. Warm enough so the fleas don’t die and the dogs need flea and tick collars. I’m not sure what this season is, so here’s to winters in years gone by.

As winter ends, a bit of snow still remains along the road

Categories: #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Marilyn Armstrong, snow, square, Winter

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7 replies

  1. It’s looking very much like that here too. So far it has been an easy winter (snow shovelling wise). Sorry about the fleas.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s going to be a huge year for insects. Instead of dying out, they are still breeding. Our summers tend to be buggy anyway, but this one’s gonna be a humdinger. But I admit, no one is sorry to not be digging us out of a blizzard!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Lovely sunlight, not so great though about the weather. Is anywhere this winter experiencing true cold?


    • Yes and no. They were, no they aren’t. There was a very cold snap in early December, then warm weather showed up and it has been raining ever since. We are no longer waiting for the climate to change. It has changed and will keep changing. The seasons have been shifting, too for several years already. Autumn is virtually gone and we never got much of spring. Winter last year didn’t show up until ONE snow in March and it’s at least 10 degrees above normal this year.
