Share Your World 2-4-2020

This year, politics is more critical than I ever remember it. To be fair, though, I’ve always been fascinated by our elections, debates, primaries. How they work, how people make their decisions. This year in Iowa, you can see — and I don’t know that I’ve ever seen this before — people thinking about what to do if their candidate doesn’t seem likely to win. Who will they then support?

Every single one has said that the bigger issue is getting Trump out of office and will if it comes to that, support anyone who isn’t Trump. That’s a huge change from 2016. Let’s hope it’s a national trend.

And the questions are:

When was the last time you tried something new?

Tonight I tried a recipe I found in a magazine in my doctor’s office. It was a creamed bean soup and I decided Garry liked it when he came back with his third helping. It went very well with warm garlic bread.

If you were forced to eliminate every physical possession from your life with the exception of what could fit into a single backpack, what would you put in it?

Bonnie guarding my computer

You mean like with a fire taking over my world? All my meds because I can’t live without them, my computers and back-up hard drives, and my cell phone because that’s what they are for. Stuff in a couple of cameras, too. The dogs don’t count. They won’t fit in a backpack!

What simple fact do you wish more people understood?

History matters. Our life is all in the past and we don’t know the future. Things that happened more than two thousand years ago affect us today. Like, for example, the birth of Christ, the life of Confucious, the American Revolution, the Constitutional Convention.

Going back even further, the development of democracy under both the Greeks and Romans. The invention of porcelain in China. When the rest of the world was running around in animal skins, the Chinese were analyzing porcelain glazes.

So much of history lives with us — for good and ill — today. Our failure to deal with its implications has had a lethal effect on our culture.

What food item do you go through fastest in your house?  (credit to Sandmanjazz)

Cinnamon bread and fruit-flavored sparkling water (ICE in particular).

Please feel free to share something that makes you happy!  

I’m extremely happy we discovered that our toilet was about to crash through the floor and probably kill one of us. We had NO idea how serious the situation was. It would have been a lethal fall for someone.

Categories: #Food, #Photography, #Recipes, Computers, Election, Marilyn Armstrong, Politics, Share My World

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18 replies

  1. Back in the day, there was talk about teaching kids important day to day stuff, stuff that related to jobs, work, living their lives. I still maintain that’s important but that history is as important. How do you know who you are, where you come from, what has impacted the world and created the changes and situations that currently exist and what to avoid like the plague? I agree, your leaf blowing on the wind without that knowledge!


  2. Oh Marilyn, to think of that accident on the toilet……


  3. Thanks Marilyn for Sharing Your World! You provided such thought provoking answers and to me? The dogs are the first damn thing I’m ‘packing’. Because they are essential. Without them, why even try to escape the alleged disaster? That backpack question has garnered more interesting answers than any I’ve posted I think. Thanks for adding your thoughts to the mix! That creamy bean soup sounds great, Laura shared a great chili recipe in her SYW this week too. Beans and cream must be on the mind! 🙂


    • Well, it’s another way to get protein that isn’t meat. I need a lot more than normal protein, but i simply can’t EAT that much. It’s not that I don’t want to eat, but I don’t have the room!

      My theory is the dogs are family. You don’t pack them. You bring them. They are your companions. Anyway, NO ONE wants to burn to death. It’s a very ugly way to go.


  4. I do like this series! The Crichton and Trotzsky quotes are so full of actuality too, still now. And the story of your near self-destruction of your toilet brought out a cry in me: NOOOOOO….. Hope it can be ‘updated’ without delay. It’s a crucial piece of home equipment. If not: We still have a ‘caravaning toilet’ in our basement from the time we were w/o any of our 3 toilets because of heavy work with pipes and so on….. Feel free to get it!


    • Oh, we fixed it. That was not an optional fix. It was very dangerous and the joists were missing under BOTH toilets in the little bathroom off the bedroom and the bigger bathroom (back to back), so when they put in the joists, it supported BOTH toilets. We did not know. How could we? We didn’t see the house being built.

      Liked by 1 person

      • goodness me. Much of your tale reminds me of stuff WE had to get in order with out house. Our downstairs (basement) bathroom had very special tiles I had to order and they had to be broken THREE times because new problems were detected AFTER the main work was done, pipes of clay and lead replaced we didn’t even know we had, pipes not completely connected to the sewers….


  5. I especially like that Michael Crichton quote! It reminds us that we’re part of something bigger and ignore that to our peril. Great job with the questions!

    Liked by 1 person

    • That is from my favorite book of his, “Timeline.” It’s a time travel novel and it’s a fine movie, too. It’s not just sci-fi either, it’s also about history and its meaning in our lives.


  6. Our survival kit consists mainly of our digital data.


  7. You are so thoughtful, Marilyn! History matters, but we always seem to forget and repeat the same mistakes!

    I too was watching the Iowa caucuses (and feeling frustrated that no results were announced tonight!) and remembering the only time I ever participated in a caucus, which was decades ago in Milwaukee, where I lived at the time. In Wisconsin at that time, there were both caucuses and primaries, but ultimately only the primary counted. That was OK, though, because I enjoyed participating in the process and talking to others about the candidates we supported. It gave me a feeling of camaraderie with other voters and satisfaction in being able to discuss politics openly – very unlike being isolated in a voting booth where no one knows how you voted. Interestingly, in the primary, I decided to vote for a different candidate than I had caucused for!


    • I don’t think we forget. I think each “leader” thinks they can overcome the obstacle that faced previous leaders and make it work. Every one of them thinks they are completely unique and there need not pay attention. Except for Trump who doesn’t know ANYTHING. I doubt he has read the constitution, much less a history book.
