FOTD – May 12 – Two Buds Remain

Two of the first five flowers have fallen, but five more have opened on the second branch and two more buds are waiting. Possibly one will open next week and another the week after.

Macro Orchids

Square Orchids

Almost all the Orchids

Categories: #Flowers, #Health, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, Marilyn Armstrong, orchids

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5 replies

  1. Gorgeous! I got one just like that for Mother’s Day….


    • While it is blooming and especially if it has unopened buds, feed it 20-20-20 fertilizer every other week and give it three or four ice cubes a week for water.

      After its first blooming finishes, don’t get rid of it. Leave it in a bright window and be patient. It takes 9 or 10 months (sometimes a year) to rebound. While it is “resting” (sleep for the orchids?). water it VERY lightly (four big ice cubes every 10 days or so). When buds appear, you’ll need 20-20-20 fertilizer again (it’s cheap and you can get it online from any place where they sell flowers). You don’t need much for one set of orchids. Congratulations and good luck!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you Marilyn. It is really lovely at the moment. I’ve kept my other sad relatives of the orchid family. I still have hope for them. I moved them to another window. Hope that helps.


  2. These are wonderful photos Marilyn. I know practically nothing about orchids. 😀


    • If you get a pot of them, I can give you all the information you need. it’s not complicated either. If you have the right window (bright, but not a lot of direct sun), they can keep blooming for months. This is its second blooming and I’ve twice as many flowers as the first time. This is one of those “less is more” plants. I feel honored that they have flowered for me 😀
