Daily Prompt: No Fair — AS SEEN ON TV

The advertisement pointed out a truth. Any company which needs to depend on binding contracts and punitive early withdrawal fees to keep customers from fleeing to other providers isn’t doing a good job. I was nodding agreement when I realized that the source of the advert was Charter Communications, one of the biggest thieves in the corporate world. Cable companies are — for good reason — the most hated service providers in these United States. The rage many of us hold towards our cable companies is intense. Mine alone could probably, if harnessed as raw energy, power a small city.


Yet there they are. The biggest, baddest bald-faced liars, deploring the business practices of other companies — companies that have marketplace competitors. Unlike Charter and other cable providers who have a monopoly on services for the areas they “service.”

We don’t choose them. We have no choice. If we want digital service — Internet, television and sometimes telephones — we have to use them. It’s un-American, wrong, infuriating. It’s no fair!!

We’re not fleeing to other providers because we can’t. The way these services are structured, there’s only one game in town. For us, it’s Charter. For other’s, it’s Warner or Comcast or whatever.

In this day and age, it’s hard to believe anyone can argue that Internet, television and broadband are luxuries rather than necessities. Yet the last time I talked to someone at Charter’s customer disservice, she told me I don’t need Internet service. Don’t need a telephone. Or television. I think I swallowed my tongue. I don’t remember. I was so angry my mind went hazy and the remainder of the conversation is (probably mercifully) a blur.

I almost chipped a tooth watching that ad on television. The level of misleadingness (is that a word? it ought to be) was profound. How dare they? Aren’t there any laws about this sort of thing? What happened to truth in advertising?

My office by window lightWhat happened to truth?

All of us have a great many things about which to be angry. If I get started, I might never stop. I would never run out of things I’m mad about, that are unjust, unfair, totally not okay but with which I have to put up because I have no choice.

The state of the economy, the state of the world, the state of everything.

The horrible way companies treat us while taking our hard-earned money. The lies we are told by corporations, by our elected representatives. By supposed news purveyors. Even by people we know and believed we could trust. Not to mention (okay, I just mentioned them) the lies we tell ourselves. I hate those most of all because it’s so hard to find someone to blame.

I try not to think about it because it’s just going to make my blood pressure go up and that wouldn’t be good.

But honestly. Talk about nerve! Charter Communications, distributors of the most over-priced, erratic services. With the worst customer service on earth. They are taking the moral high ground? Really? Mind you these are people who manage to so alienate their customers they lose money while holding a monopoly, a company that would never survive actual market competition and which apparently is unlikely to survive even with the deck stacked in their favor.

How come we don’t form an angry mob and storm their offices? I’ll go if you will!

Categories: Economics, Ethics and Philosophy, Government, Humor, Life, Personal

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16 replies

  1. I love the term “customer disservice”!
    Interestingly, there has been talk before about reclassifying an internet connection as an “essential service” (which would mean it can’t be cut off if you don’t pay, like water or electricity, without a court order).


    • It ought to be. You really can’t do much without wifi anymore. So much of the stuff you need to do is online form the motor vehicle bureau to Social Security and Medicare. The Electric company … every utility … banking … what isn’t done online nowadays? Especially for older people, email is a lifeline. The Internet is the only thing that keeps people with disabilities connected to the rest of the world. I think it’s way overdo for reclassification.


  2. I’m with you and the mob!!


  3. I’m with you and the mob!


  4. No sense in trying to get our government to fix the problem. They can’t even keep our country running, arguing the same old crap. They need to start shooting enough of them so the Democrats have the majority again. Baynor & McCain should go first.



  1. Where do I begin? | The Unthemed Nook
  2. Daily Prompt; No Fair | terry1954
  3. Daily Prompt: No Fair | The Story of a Guy
  4. Daily Prompt: No Fair | My Atheist Blog
  5. SCREAM: SO NOT FAIR | alienorajt
  6. Daily Prompt: No Fair | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  7. Is there really such a thing as fair and unfair? | Rob's Surf Report
  8. Daily Prompt: No Fair | Joe's Musings
  9. Unfair – Ireland, Multiple Sclerosis & Me