I live in a town that has no public transportation. None at all. Not a bus or even a taxi. These pictures were taken elsewhere, the first in Connecticut and the second (Garry’s) near Lake Otsego, where public transportation can be found.


72-bw-buggy-wheels_22And from Garry:


Feet are the only kind of transportation available locally.


Categories: #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Transportation

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9 replies

  1. Marvelous entry for this week Marilyn. I really like your entry this week. 😀


    • Thanks, Cee. I loved the “Amish Crossing” sign and was glad Garry got it., though we never actually saw them. I know there’s a large community nearby, but they were not out and about while we were there. Vacations have become photo ops. We didn’t shoot as much as we have in the past, but we are getting a bit more selective as hard drives fill up 🙂


  2. Feet are good. I am not a couch potato. I have too many physical issues that demand exorcise and lots of it. Now if mother nature would just quit adding new aches and pains every year I could continue my regimen forever. Right!

    I’ve become fond of public transportation. The cost is next to nothing and I get out and about a lot more than if I drove or ride my motorcycle. I just gave up motorcycling so now it’s my Smart Car or bust. Soon it will be time to turn the lights out I think. But until that time comes I’ll keep walking, hiking and exploring my environment, my world, camera on hand to record and share it all.


    • It’s hard to do a lot of walking around here. No sidewalks, for one thing. It’s very hilly. There are months when it’s either too hot and humid …. or covered in ice and snow. But we have dozens of churches and they are the centers for pretty much everything social. We’ll introduce you to ours, but there are lots to choose from and I think you’ll find your “people” very quickly. And be most welcome.


  3. Love your photos!! the buggy reminds me of one we had when my parents were together. Love the boats…truly beautiful photos…I did not mention on the last comment how your photos are just stunning…the flower is wow! And no need to respond to comments all the time…with all the followers you have I cannot imagine how busy this can be for you. Keep on writing…


  4. Haha, you made me smile!! okay, laugh out loud when you talk about repeatedly asked to accept an award…pisses me off too. The first ones I recieved when I first started blogging I kept worrying not to upset anyone and it took so much time which was MY precious time to write. I am so enjoying your book by the way…really!!! I`m adding it to my sidebar.
