Solomon’s Seal – FOTD – 05/20/19

Our Solomon’s Seal plants originally grew in our woods. I moved about half a dozen plants about half a dozen feet into the light. It now grows in huge batches along the driveway. It blooms early and is my official “sign of spring.”

It is a wildflower that has been cultivated so now, you can buy rhizomes for it at nurseries. If you have a garden that doesn’t have much sun, these are plants that will give you your first blooms when nothing else wants to flower, a shady garden requirement.

Very few plants will flower in deep shade, but Solomon’s Seal will. It will also blossom beautifully if you give it a little bit of sunlight.

It seems to appear overnight. One day there’s nothing. A couple of days later, there’s a huge patch of Solomon’s Seal.

It’s a tall plant, often growing a couple of feet high. Also, it is rather “architectural” with high, arching branches and small, white bell-shaped blossoms dangling below them. The foliage turns a golden yellow color in fall.

The green-leaved specimen is native to the New England and it used to be rather rare, but has been cultivated so if you don’t happen to have your own woods, you can buy them at a nursery.

You can find Solomon’s Seal growing in wooded areas of Hardiness Zones 3-7. We about half a dozen plants about six feet where they have thrived. They are much bigger than they grew in the woods and there are more of them. All of them have arches of flowers.

During a brighter spring, they sometimes take over that whole area … and they are still plentiful in the woods, along with three or four types of fern.

Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, Gardens, Marilyn Armstrong

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20 replies

  1. That’s one I really didn’t recognise. They look wonderful – maybe I might have seen them in woods?! Anyway, I’m glad that at least SOMETHING is coming up trumps in your neck of the woods…. they seem to like rain 😉


    • They are definitely a woodland plant. They will flower even in deep shade, though a little bit of sunshine is fine too, as long as it isn’t full sun all day. They grow all over the world, though there are small differences in the color of flowers and berries, depending on which species is which. But definitely a woodland plant.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m not familiar with this one Marilyn, will have to check it out at the garden centre.


  3. Looks lovely, but i don’t remember seeing any down here.
    I don’t think our weak sandy soils would suit a forest plant? Pity!


    • The soil wouldn’t be the problem, but the sun would be. It’s a true shade-lover. I think Australia may be the only continent on which it doesn’t grow as a wildflower.

      Liked by 1 person

      • We are pretty isolated as far as wildflowers grow! 😉


        • Well, that’s also why you have the duck-billed platypus. Your continent separated from the rest of the world before everything became mammals 😀 But the world is catching up with you, like it or not. People always bring in foreign animals and let them go and they become pests. They’ve done it everywhere. Our hideous Gypsy Moth caterpillars were imported from somewhere in Europe where they were contained by other birds and insects and have destroyed hundreds of thousands of hardwood forests. And worst of all, someone did it on PURPOSE for some stupid scientific experiment that went lethally wrong.

          Liked by 1 person

          • We are all too familiar with the ‘experiment gone wrong’ concept! 😦

            The world gets ‘smaller’ (and possibly stupider) every day.


            • Why people think that they can “fix” nature when it has been repeatedly proved that we can’t, I don’t know. it’s the stupid factor at work. Big time.

              Liked by 1 person

              • Many men think they can learn from their mistakes… and usually do – they learn how to make bigger and better mistakes!! 😉


                • Which is why the boss gets to be boss. He failed at everything else, so it’s time to promote him. It probably explains our president, too.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • You’re talking about the Peter Principle, i believe? 😉

                  There is not much that can explain your current President…

                  .. nor much you can explain TO him! 🙂

                  You probably won’t want to hear this, but, after our recent election disaster i have made a few predictions (one of which has already come true!)

                  Two of them are:

                  Britain will hold a second referendum on Brexit and they will vote to stay in the EU; and
                  The USA will have ‘four more years’ of Trump!

                  I am so sorry!!! 😭


                • Well, unless the other party gets their act together, yeah. But we may yet get it together. It’s still early and despite the large number of people who’ve thrown their hats into the ring, are only a handful are “real.” The rest are just wannabees.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • There’s always Hope!!!

                  (Mine just got crushed)


  4. There is a garden near us that has such a plant. I think our garden is too sunny


  5. Very pretty! Reminds me a lot of lily-of-the-valley. Do they have a fragrance?
