FOTD – March 1 – Wildflowers

One of the really nice parts of living rurally are the wildflowers. As long as you don’t need nice neat rows, wildflowers are as decorative as any cultivar. And many of them are a cultivated flower that has escaped and gone wild.

Pink grass — a very aggressive wildflower

These are sometimes very blue, but can also be closer to purple and I don’t know what they are except pretty. Also, these are closer to creepers that flowers.

Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, wildflowers

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9 replies

  1. Gosh, I wish my hills had those growing. What pretty colors to look see!


  2. Ooooh so many! Love them all!!!


  3. Oh I so adore your wildflowers you have on display today. 😀


  4. The last one looks a bit like a pesky creeper called Creeping Charlie, but I don’t think it is because it never grows that high off the ground. Anyway, your wildflower photos are lovely, Marilyn!


    • It doesn’t grow high. It creeps up the wall but not all the way. It goes up maybe a foot or two and then stops. It’s definitely a creeping SOMETHING. Everything around here invades or creeps. We have wild honeysuckle that strangles everything and is impossible to kill and then we have wild grape vine that strangles entire forests and THEN we have wild blackberries that tears your clothing off. We never get any berries because the birds get them all. It’s a mess.

      Last year after the day lilies and roses finished blooming, my son took a chain saw and hacked everything down. It made the rhododendrons very happy.
