Having bought the tub, aka “swimming hole for small dogs,” and what with both dogs more or less ignoring it, there came a moment when Garry felt it was time the introduce Gibbs to the tub. Why Gibbs not Bonnie?

(1) Gibbs likes paddling in the water bowl.

(2) Bonnie holds grudges.

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Gibbs was not terrified. He was, in fact, surprisingly under-whelmed. Both Gibbs and Bonnie apparently regard the tub as an over-sized drinking trough.

I’m beginning to look at it as a planter for my fall chrysanthemums. Apparently Gibbs prefers paddling in the water bowl and drinking from the “pool.”

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, dogs, Humor, Pets, Scottish Terrier

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21 replies

  1. I can smell the wet dog from here! And you gotta admire the environmentally friendly practice of drinking your own bathwater…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I also got the sense in that last photo that he was waiting for the Dreaded Soap Event. I’d be tempted to leave it for a few days and see if he gets the idea, now that no soap has appeared.

    and the gloves are very nice. Good choice.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think he was waiting for the soap, too. Never arrived. He is NOT fond of baths, but this wasn’t a bath and I think it sort of confused him. If it’s not a bath … what?? Poor Gibbs. Life. You just never know.


  3. Don’t you just like the expression our pets sometime get on their faces depending on the circumstances. Loved it.Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s much more fun to get the water all over the floor!


  5. In that last picture he’s thinking “huh, what? why am I in here? why are my paws wet?”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I remember my mum having a tub like that for me when I was a kid. We didn’t have a bathroom. Every Friday night she would fill it with hot water. I was probably the pet at the time. Gibb seems to be quite happy with his new toy, multipurpose bath and drinking trough.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Gibbs is ornery. My kind of guy.


    • My mother had a couple of these, too. Washing tubs, tubs for the kids to use to cool off in the summer. These were the all-purpose tubs of days of yore. I was surprised that they still make them and even more surprised at the low price … and very light weight. You’d think they’d be heavy, but they are not. They are lighter than something in plastic the same size.


  7. Good picture…..💞

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The look he’s giving Garry, humouring him, says it all…

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