Cees’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: 2016 Week 32

After weeks of no rain at all, suddenly we’ve been getting thunderstorms in the afternoon. It’s probably because of the heat and humidity. I remember, when I was a kid, when the weather got like this — before we had weather channels or 24 hours news or the internet — we expected thunderstorms. When you got a lot of heat and steamy air, you expected thunder and lightning to follow.


We’d head for Mary’s house because she had a covered porch. There, we could play monopoly and watch the rain. Rainy afternoons are full of memories.

I am glad we’re finally getting some rain. It will take a lot of days like this to make up for the weeks of drought.





Categories: #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, dogs, Weather

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8 replies

  1. Hey Marilyn, do you remember dancing in the rain?


  2. My favorite is the stool and shoes. These are wonderful for this week. Thanks Marilyn 😀


  3. The day that the rains came down. The rainy days in summer are good, they break the monotony of the hot summer days, and give nature a chance to recover. Ajax is worldwide, although we use an extra cheap special label supermarket product. We don’t really need it a lot, just for the pans. The rest is done in the machine. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, rain breaks the monotony and also gives the plants a badly needed watering. I wish it would also bring down the temperature and not increase the humidity.

      Ajax makes a lot of cleaning stuff and they are the cheapest brand around here, so we have a lot of their stuff. Not necessarily the best things, but good enough for the purpose. I stopped using the dishwasher because it was broken. My son gave us a replacement a couple of weeks ago, but there are just two of us and it seems more trouble than it’s worth to load it up, then unload it again. But maybe I’ll give it a try. Meanwhile, the newer one looks better, anyway 🙂
