Paula asked us for a black & white picture of a favorite something. There were so many candidates, I wasn’t sure where to start to find a picture to fit this challenge. Then, I found this picture. I forgot I’d taken it a couple of weeks ago. It was just waiting in my files.

This is my Olympus OM-D E-M5 fitted with an Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 12-50mm f/3.5-6.3 EZ Zoom lens with the macro setting.


I have had many cameras over the years. I also have two other excellent Olympus PEN cameras, but this camera is special. With it, I have had the joy of falling in love with photography again. At first, the camera seemed a bit daunting, but it each time I use it (and I use it often), I love it more.

Why is it my favorite? How can you explain love? It’s ineffable. The way it feels. Its balance. The quality of the pictures. Sometimes, I just hold it because I love having it in my hands.

Love is not entirely rational. I haven’t felt this way about any camera in a many years.

Black & White Sunday: Favourite

Categories: #Photography, Cameras

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15 replies

  1. perfect choice for a favorite. Except for Garry of course, your other favorite 🙂


  2. How does Garry feel when his name never came up when you were considering a favorite something. And then you add insult to injury by talking about love? But I totally understand. My Fuji X-T1 gave me a renewed love of photography. And after a year the camera is still daunting. I have to read the manual again. And again.


    • I write about the legendary Mr. Armstrong a lot. I’m pretty sure he knows I love him. I’m pretty sure he knows I know he loves me. But ah, that camera. It’s a different kind of love.

      I downloaded the manual (again – I had deleted it in one of those moments of cleaning up the hard drive which is getting a little fullish). I need to try reading it again, too. There’s so much about this camera I don’t know … though honestly, I’m not sure what other functions I’d use, even if I did know about them. I’m kind of a traditionalist, photographically speaking. And I have zero interest in video.


      • Same here. Absolutely no video for me. But if Lynn knows I love her, and she knows I know she loves me, can I talk about my Fuji with stars in my eyes? Or are women different from men?


  3. Black and white services it well. It really draws the attention to the equipment.


  4. Love never is! I love how you shot your subject of adoration 🙂 Thank you, Marilyn.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank YOU Paula! I pondered all the usual things – husband, kid, grandkid, dogs – even gardens, flowers, mountains and stuff … and then, there was that single picture of my camera. Obviously not taken with my favorite camera. It looked like it would translate pretty well into black & white … so … Sometimes, I need to think in different directions. It’s the best part of challenges that they force me to find other ways to say things in a visual way 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • I am very happy to hear that, and the mere idea that I can challenge a photographer like you – well that makes me happy 🙂


      • Guess Orange Head wouldn’t do in B&W.


      • Those EM5s are gems.., and I’m not sure the EM1 is substantially better. I know that when perusing the Oly Gallery from time to time, a high percentage of the photos, I liked best, were taken with an EM5. But lets not leave out the photographer, but rather reinforce, and commend, His/Her choice of this camera as THE tool to use.., and it’s weather resistant.

        I’m still exploring my EM5 and surprised at how close its little brother, the EM10 MkII, is to it. I carry the EM10 a lot because the body is a little smaller and I’ve fit a small 14-42mm EZ (pancake) lens to it which makes it even more compact and ready on spur of the moment. Throw in the very capable (and inexpensive) 40-150mm and you can cover a wide range of on the spot shooting. However, if I’m out for dedicated photographic purposes.., the EM5 is my baby. Yeah, it’s a kind of perverse love of a “thing”… but.

        And all this to say, I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!



  1. Black & White Sunday: Favourite | Lost in Translation