Garry and I are old enough to remember the good old days. I’m the perfect age to have been one of the kids in the back seat pinching and punching a sibling while whining: “Are we there yet?” How come our parents didn’t kill us before we grew up?

It’s a question that has taken on considerable depths of meaning with the passing decades

Those of you who wax poetic about the wonderfulness of slowly trundling down America’s scenic back roads should take a car trip across New England.

New England roads — the good roads, the paved roads, the roads with passing lanes — run north and south. For reasons no one can explain (lack of money? no interest? not enough tourists?), only one or two lane local roads travel east and west. If (for example) you are traveling the 231 miles from Jackman, Maine to Danville, Vermont, you will experience some of the nation’s most beautiful scenery.

Very slowly.

These are classic roads. They have not changed and in many cases, also have not been repaved, since you were knee-high to a grasshopper.


No limited-access highway will sully your pure travel experience. You won’t be tempted to eat fast food from familiar chains. No driver will tailgate to make you speed up. The car ahead of you — what we refer to as our “pace car” — will likely be an aging pickup rattling down the mountain. One of the driver’s feet will be glued to the brake pedal while he or she engages in a lively conversation with his or her partner while the truck weaves left and right — with an occasional fishtail. You’d be hard put to figure if the vehicle has a steering problem, or the driver is doing it on purpose to make you crazy. Whatever the reason, you are not going to pass the pickup.

Although you won’t find fast food chains on this route, you won’t starve, either. There’s plenty of good food and gasoline you can pump as you pass through the quaint New England towns. Classic towns with white clapboard churches and at least one or two pizza parlors. Baked goods for sale. Chilled pop in bottles and cans. Clean bathrooms.


It’s a breathtaking journey through the mountains. Magnificent and surreal. For the entire trip, directly in front of your car will be a poky driver who will never exceed, or even approach, the speed limit. He or she would not consider letting his vehicle get within 10 miles of whatever that silly sign says is a safe, legal speed for traveling those roads.

There is always plenty of construction. Everywhere. Oddly, if you go back the next year, the construction will still be ongoing with little sign of progress. After four or five of the dozen hours of the drive, the urge to get your car up to ramming speed and push the slow drivers out of the way becomes an obsession.

Slow drivers lurk on side roads. Do they use spotter craft so they know when we are coming? We try to pass, but they appear out of nowhere. They pull out and immediately slow to a crawl. If, by some miracle we briefly break free, another slow driver is poised for action at the next intersection.


Supposedly Dwight D. Eisenhower built the interstate highway system in case of an emergency, so military vehicles could get where they needed to be. But I think there was another reason. Ike came from farm country and had been traveling these glorious back roads his entire life. He knew he could never defeat the slow drivers. So — he built bigger, faster roads all across America.

Just … not going east or west in New England.

Categories: #Photography, Cars and Trucks, highways, New England, Roads

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13 replies

  1. Enjoyed a lovely day trip to the coast today, leisurely traversing Route 7, known as “The Moosehead Trail.” ❤ xo


    • If you are cruising for the pleasure of it, no problem. But getting from Maine to Vermont traveling east-west when you have to be there at a particular time? That’s NOT fun. We only did it once. Now, it’s actually faster to go home, then take the better road north from home.


  2. It was nicer when there weren’t so many cars on the road. Now it is just plain scary.


  3. I would like to try one of those east to west roads.


    • It’s great if you just want to hang out. Take pictures. Visit tiny towns. Buy homemade peach preserves, great maple syrup, and fresh pies. But if you need to BE someplace, well … that’s a horse of a different color.


  4. Most of the roads in Tasmania are like that barring the north-south road and the one that connects the three largest northern cities. We became used to following, depending on the season, trucks towing trailer loads of apple boxes, bales of hay or firewood; old people wearing hats who drive old cars or tourists towing caravans, Then there are the cyclists, if you are lucky no more than two abreast, covered in lycra. We soon decided they were not worth stressing about. The ones that scared us were the drivers behind getting impatient and doing something silly like trying to overtake the lot. David often used to just pull over if there were cars following too closely and let them go.


    • In Israel, except for the main roads between cities, it was all old roads and by old, I mean Roman. The Romans were amazing road builders. If they built it, it would LAST. But it was a small country, so if you were driving the slow roads, it was because that’s what you wanted to do. And watch out for wild camels.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Sounds like my type of road


    • Great road for a short drive. NOT so great for a 12-hour haul and you have to get there before dark. That kind of road is fine, if you aren’t trying to be there on time … or even … at all. You’re just driving around, taking pictures, eating. That’s fine. But when you have to actually BE somewhere, it’s a very long drive. It took us 12 hours to drive that distance. Or, about 3 times longer than it would have taken on a regular road.


  6. An interesting perspective!
