So. 2017 is over. Like any end of the year, the last few weeks were filled with “Year End Retrospectives.”

I hate year-end retrospectives.

Especially this year. A year ago, all anybody could talk about was just how much 2016 sucked. And it did. But then, along came 2017.

2017 said to 2016 “Here, hold my beer.”

So here’s myYear End Retrospective, The Short and To-The-Point-Edition.” And yes, I’m doing it in 2018. Why? Because I’m a rebel, because I’m going rogue, because I only thought of it on New Year’s Eve.  So here it is, 2017 month-by-month.

January. Well, that sucked.

February. God, that really sucked.

March. Are you kidding me? How much more can this possibly suck?

April. This can’t get worse.

May. It got worse.

June. Are you fucking kidding me!?

July. This is just not happening.

August. Well, that just happened. WTF?!

September. This is insane.

October. No, he’s insane.

November. Shit, he is REALLY insane.

December. This insanity has to end.

🎇🎶 Happy New Year. 🎶🎇

At least we still have Betty White.

PS: And to start the New Year off on a good note, I give you two dogs playing “I got your nose.”

Categories: celebration, Holidays, Tom Curley

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12 replies

  1. Way to end the year Mr T! ( sorry i’m a little late – s’been hectic round these parts lately) 🙂

    The video of your pooches was just what was needed – spot on! 🙂


  2. Love Betty White! And I thought your summation a complete delight!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “I got your nose” is a nice touch to the year end/new year. Can’t let all the bad stuff get us down.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I think you summed it up a lot better than I did. I worry about Betty White. I really do. I used to worry about George Burns, too. He made it to 100, Owen’s grandmother hit 104.

    Liked by 2 people

    • She’s one of the ones who keep going.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Whoa. I was thinking about some other old timers, survivors of Hollywood’s golden age. Won’t mention because I’m superstitious.

      Oh, Meet me in St Louie, Louie….


  5. Did you just jinx Betty White?? Because everyone of her age and fame level appears to have dropped dead. I like the retrospective very much. Do you teach courses on brevity? Because some of us could use that skill….

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Yes. Betty White endures. Thank you for reminding me of that. She should really be nominated for statehood.

    Liked by 3 people