



Categories: #black-&-white-photography, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge

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12 replies

  1. Oh Marilyn, these flowers are extraordinary. Thanks so much for playing. 😀


  2. This “hacking situation” is worrisome. I was on the Yahoo Finance site a couple of days ago and just by moving my curser a whole bunch of things started to download to my computer. I tried to remove all the downloads then went to Malware to do a scan. Then I went to Utilities to do a repair. After that I wiped out the history for the last two days. That did seem to work.
    Normally I like a lot of colour in flowers, but the B & W gives you a chance to view the structure of the flower more closely. Well done Marilyn.


  3. The first flower looks good in black and white. Why is it always the Nigerians. Don’t they have anything better to do on their computers


    • Apparently not. And these are really bad guys. Fortunately, I back up my computer, so at worst, I’ll lost this months photographs if I have not used them in the blog. I might have to reinstall the operating system and wipe the hard drives The idea is appalling.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh goodie.. Going to go search out some good flowers to remove the color from! I especially love your first one.


    • I’ ve been hacked, so I can only use pictures from my files. This has not been one of my best days. All my new pictures are on the PC which is locked down because I’ve got a squad of Nigerian hacker in my computer. Sometimes, life really sort of sucks.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh man. Do you have someone helping you with that?


        • Yes. I have the tech staff of Dell AND Microsoft both working on it, but it’s pretty ugly. I may need a new operating system and I’m not really thrilled about it. .

          Liked by 1 person

          • Damn. How in the world did they hack your computer? Did you open an email that had a virus in it?

            Liked by 1 person

            • I don’t know. No one knows. I’m VERY careful and I’ve never been hacked and I’ve been on the computer for many years. I’ve gotten an occasional virus way back when our virus protections weren’t very good, but that computer has been protected from the moment I turned it on, so it’s also a major failure of their product. But honestly, I don’t know. I’m really missing that computer, too. It’s got all my software and pictures on it.

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