JUNE IS SQUARE – ROOF 9 – Marilyn Armstrong

It’s that time of year again and squares are back! 

Down the road in Mendon, they have a diner. It’s a fully restored Worcester Dining Car from 1950.

Miss Mendon began her journey in 1950 as a hand-drawn sketch at the desk of a designer at the Worcester dining car company in Worcester, MA. Since then she has had a storied history and has made a number of stops on her way to the little town of Mendon, MA. She has been painted, re-tiled and seen her share of characters come and go over the years. She has seen good times and not so good times, heard stories of times gone by and secrets never to be repeated but managed to come through the years with grace and character.

Miss Mendon actually started her life as Miss Newport and her car number was #823. Even though her car number is 823 she was actually the 623 car built since they began their numbering sequence at 200. She was delivered on May 16, 1950, to her first owner. They still have the original hand sketches of the designer’s impressions of the car.

Not much has changed after all these years. The car layout remains the same as it did in 1950; we have modernized it a little bit, added a new dining area onto the side, and built a professional kitchen onto the back of the car and, re-chromed the seats and cleaned up and restored all of the finishes.

I especially love the curved ceiling. You can get more information and all the original hand sketches at:


Well, the theme is ROOFS (or rooves if you prefer). Your roof can be;

A – any type, any condition, any size, and in any location.
B – it could be a shot across rooftops, of one roof like today or even a macro
C – you might prefer to spend some time under the eaves and in the attic, or enjoy the view from above as Brian has already done today.

See you tomorrow!

Categories: #Photography, Architecture, square

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3 replies

  1. Wonderful diner. And so sorry it took me an age to visit. WordPress his the link!


  2. Look at that old diner. I bet the food was good too.


  3. We had a lovely brunch yesterday with old friends at one of Miss Mendon’s competitors. Such BIGLY portions. Wonderful. The meal was THE meal for most of the day.
