I am not confused by the dappling of the paths and lawns. That’s the way the shady part of summertime looks. My problem is entirely grammatical.

Sunshine lessened through summer leaves IS or ARE dappled?

Dappled deck

I keep thinking the “sunshine” is collective and should take “is,” but one of my three grammar fixers will always disagree with me. I was pretty sure I had the whole present tense issue locked up, but as it turns out, it’s more complicated than that.

And then, there’s the lawn …

How does anyone actually learn English when even the “machinery” used to check it can’t figure it out?

And the woods itself …

Getting past the grammatical confusion, I’m glad I took some wondrously leafy photographs last week … or was it just a couple of days ago? Time is fleeing past me so quickly, I don’t know whether I did whatever it was this morning or a week ago.

Photo: Garry Armstrong – Lad with dappled unicorn!

Just so you know, there are lots of dappled horses and you can lessen anything that was at one time (or another) bigger. I just don’t know if I have any dappled horses or dogs, though I have ridden and kept many dappled creatures.

Categories: #foliage, #FOWC, #Photography, Daily Prompt, Home, Paths

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14 replies

  1. Always love the unicorn picture. Honest to God, I got surprised by a unicorn yesterday and had to get a photo of it. One of those huge pool inflatables poking its head up over my neighbor’s fence. Talk about something you don’t see every day…


    • They really had this clam old horse fully Unicornized. The kids adored him. They let the very small ones ride him. He was too old for a full-size rider, but what a sweetie he was.


  2. Sunshine is, even if there is a clause after it that confuses people and machines. A pocket full of coins and dollar bills is still one pocket–sunshine with a lot of leaves and this and that plural-like after it is still sunshine, but language is being destroyed these days by spell check and online use so that it becomes what happens, as opposed to what is chosen, a lot of times. Cute unicorn!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Trouble with English is, it’s a living language and is constantly in change.
    Love the Unicorn with the little boy.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “Sunshine are” just doesn’t sound right. My dappled brain would stick with “sunshine is.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • I consulted with Garry and decided “is” simply sounded right and “are” didn’t. With English, that seems to be the way we do it a lot of the time. If it sounds right.

      Except “lightning” and “lightening.” They sound the same, but oh what a difference. “Lightening” goes well with lessen, too.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I’m hearing a John Denver song — on my shoulder.

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  5. Save the grammar for another day. I love the pics, especially the kid and the “unicorn”.

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